2800 Words

Liam sat in the truck staring at the house. His own temper riled up. Why did she have to go ruin a good day with talk of Dawson? He was in such a good mood until then. The last thing he had wanted was to think of his traitorous brother in bed with his wife. Liam slammed his fists against the steering wheel in a fit. Why couldn’t she just leave it alone? What was Raven’s obsession with digging up past ghosts? Why could she not just leave the past in the past? It had worked well enough for everyone thus far. No one wanted to drudge up the skeletons and the hurt. Everyone was much happier leaving it alone. Why couldn’t Raven just accept that? He certainly didn’t want to tell her the reason he and Dawson had quit each other. He was sure she would not take it well. He was sure she would read

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