Chapter 8

2647 Words

It isn"t better. I can hear the whispers as I walk into the room and take my seat at the back of the class. I"m glad we don"t have to stick with the same seats we chose at the start of the year, then I"d be at the front and really have everyone"s attention on me. Certainly not what I want. I do wish Daphne had this class with me. Or even Ryan. Just someone that had a friendly face. "Hi," a male voice says. I twist my head, surprised to find the new guy sat next to me. "Hey," I squeak. How did I not know we"re in the same class? If he hasn"t already heard about my attempt at magic during his party, then he"ll know soon enough that I can"t do much magic. "We never got to properly introduce ourselves." He gives me a winning smile. "You know my name," I point out. "Yes, I do. Mona, wasn

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