Chapter 6

1418 Words

Like everyone my age, I spent my eleventh birthday hoping for a welcome letter delivered by owl. Even as a witch, it was disappointing when it didn"t come. Of course, that"s because witches and warlocks don"t go to magic school...they go to university instead. And we get accepted just like humans do: with an email. Like everyone my age, I spent my eleventh birthday hoping for a welcome letter delivered by owl. Even as a witch, it was disappointing when it didn"t come. Of course, that"s because witches and warlocks don"t go to magic school...they go to university instead. And we get accepted just like humans do: with an email.Reading the line in front of me for what feels like the thousandth time, I sigh in frustration. It doesn"t make sense. At all. Not for the first time, I find myself w

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