Chapter : 14. Lingering secrets..

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Darius shifted into his wolf form, his powerful gray body tense and ready. The pack watched, waiting for his command, and Amara knew that everything depended on this moment—on holding the line against Killian’s attack and keeping their trust intact. Killian’s smile faded, his expression turning to one of cold determination. “You’ll regret this, Darius,” he snarled. “All of you will. Because this isn’t over. Not until she pays for what she’s done.” With a signal from Killian, his wolves charged, a mass of snarling teeth and snapping jaws. The Nightshade wolves responded immediately, leaping forward to meet them head-on. The forest was a battlefield. Growls and snarls filled the night air, accompanied by the snapping of jaws and the clash of wolves. The Nightshade Pack was holding the line at the western ridge, fighting back against Killian’s assault with everything they had. Darius’s command was clear: hold the ground and protect the pack, no matter what. Amara stayed close to the rear, hidden behind a thick oak tree as the battle unfolded. Her heart raced with fear and adrenaline. She wasn’t a fighter; she never had been. Darius had insisted she stay back, away from the thick of the fight. She knew he was right—her presence would only distract him. And right now, they needed Darius at his best. She watched as Darius’s powerful gray wolf charged through the fray, tearing into Killian’s warriors with a fury she had never seen before. His movements were swift and deadly, a testament to his strength and skill as an Alpha. He was protecting his pack, but more than that, he was protecting her. She could feel it every time his eyes darted in her direction, checking that she was safe. Killian, in his black wolf form, was equally ferocious, his eyes locked on Amara even in the heat of battle. His rage was palpable, a dark force driving his every move. She could feel the weight of his fury—this wasn’t just about reclaiming a mate. This was about revenge. He wanted her for what she had done to his brother, Marcus. And he wouldn’t stop until he had her. With a vicious growl, Killian lunged at Darius, his teeth aiming for the Alpha’s throat. Darius met him head-on, their bodies colliding with a bone-rattling impact. The two Alphas rolled across the ground, a storm of teeth and claws as they fought for dominance. Around them, the Nightshade wolves fought bravely, but the battle was clearly centered on these two powerful forces. Amara held her breath, her fingers digging into the rough bark of the tree as she watched the brutal fight unfold. She could see the blood staining their fur, the snarls of pain and fury. Darius was holding his own, but Killian was relentless, driven by a dark, obsessive need. She could only pray that Darius would come out on top. Killian’s black wolf managed to clamp his jaws around Darius’s shoulder, drawing blood. Darius let out a snarl of pain, but he twisted his body with incredible strength, breaking free and retaliating with a powerful swipe of his paw. His claws raked across Killian’s side, and the black wolf yelped, momentarily losing his footing. Seizing the opportunity, Darius lunged, his teeth finding Killian’s scruff and forcing him to the ground. His growl was low and menacing, filled with a command that shook through the air. “Leave,” Darius snarled, his voice a rumble even in wolf form. “And don’t come back.” Killian struggled beneath Darius’s grip, his eyes blazing with hatred and humiliation. His warriors, seeing their Alpha pinned, began to retreat, pulling back into the shadows of the forest. Realizing he was beaten for now, Killian shifted back into his human form, his chest heaving with fury. Blood dripped from his wounds, and his face twisted with a dangerous smile that promised this was far from over. “This isn’t finished, Darius,” Killian spat, his voice filled with venom. His gaze shifted to Amara, and his eyes darkened, his lips curling into a cruel smile. “I’ll be back for her. She owes me a debt, and I’ll make sure she pays.” With that, he turned and disappeared into the dark woods, his remaining warriors following him. The sounds of battle quieted, replaced by the ragged breaths of the Nightshade wolves, who stood their ground, ready for more. But as the seconds passed, it became clear that Killian and his wolves were gone—for now. Slowly, the tension in the clearing began to ease. Wolves shifted back into their human forms, their expressions a mix of relief and exhaustion. Helena quickly moved among them, barking orders to tend to the injured. Her sharp eyes scanned for wounds, directing those who needed help to the makeshift triage area they’d set up. Darius shifted back, his body covered in cuts and bruises, but his eyes were clear and focused. He turned toward Amara, and she rushed to his side, her heart still pounding in her chest. She could hardly breathe from the fear of almost losing him. “Darius,” she breathed, her voice trembling as she reached out to him, her fingers brushing against his arm. “Are you okay?” He nodded, though his face was lined with fatigue. “I’m fine,” he replied, his voice steady but rough from the exertion. “We held them off. That’s what matters.” Amara felt a wave of relief wash over her, but Killian’s words lingered in her mind like a dark cloud. She could still feel the weight of his gaze on her, the promise of his return. “He’s not going to stop,” she whispered, her eyes searching Darius’s. “He wants me, and he wants revenge.” Darius’s expression softened, but his eyes remained serious. “We’ll deal with him,” he said firmly. “But first, we need to get you inside.” He guided her back to the packhouse, his arm protectively around her shoulders. The pack members parted to let them through, murmurs of concern and curiosity following them. Amara could feel their eyes on her, could sense the unspoken questions in their gazes. Killian’s taunts about her past had planted seeds of doubt, and she knew she couldn’t avoid the truth for much longer. Once inside, Darius led her to a quieter room away from the chaos, closing the door behind them. The adrenaline was beginning to fade, leaving behind a hollow exhaustion that seeped into her bones. She sat down heavily on a wooden bench, her mind racing. Darius knelt in front of her, his eyes filled with concern. “You did well tonight,” he said softly. “I know you were scared, but you kept your head.” Amara nodded, but her thoughts were elsewhere, replaying Killian’s words over and over in her mind. She knew she needed to come clean. She owed Darius the truth—about Marcus, about why Killian was so desperate to get her back. She had been keeping it buried for too long. “Darius, I need to tell you something,” she began, her voice trembling. “About what Killian said… about his brother, Marcus.” Darius’s eyes searched hers, and she saw the concern there, the desire to understand. “You don’t have to tell me right now,” he said gently, sensing her hesitation. “You’ve been through a lot tonight. Take a breath.” “No, I need to,” she insisted, though her voice wavered. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “It’s just… it’s hard.” Darius reached out, his hand warm and reassuring on her knee. “It’s okay, Amara,” he said softly. “Take your time. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.” Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to tell him everything—to lay it all out in the open so there would be no more secrets between them. But the words were stuck in her throat, tangled with fear and guilt. She looked down, unable to meet his eyes, her hands twisting nervously in her lap. “When Killian and I were…” she started, her voice barely above a whisper. “There were some things I did to survive, things I’m not proud of. Marcus… he…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, the weight of the memory too heavy. She could still see Marcus’s face, the look in his eyes when it had happened—the moment everything had changed. She had made a mistake, and it was one that had haunted her ever since. Darius’s hand tightened on her knee, his touch grounding her. “You don’t have to say it all now,” he reassured her. “Whatever happened, whatever you did… I trust you. I know you had your reasons.” Amara looked up, tears slipping down her cheeks. “How can you trust me when I can’t even tell you the truth?” she whispered, her voice breaking. “Because I see the person you are now,” he said softly. “And I know you’re not the same person who was with Killian’s pack. I’ve seen your heart, Amara. I know who you are.” A sob caught in her throat, and she leaned forward, burying her face against his shoulder. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice muffled. “I’m just… I’m so scared, Darius. Scared of what you’ll think of me when you know everything.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “When you’re ready, I’ll listen,” he said. “Until then, don’t push yourself. We’ll face this together.” They stayed like that for a long moment, wrapped in each other’s warmth. Outside, the pack was regrouping, preparing for whatever come next. Killian’s threat hung over them like a dark cloud, but here, in this quiet room, there was a moment of peace. Amara knew that her past wasn’t going to stay buried forever. She would have to confront it, to face the darkness she had tried so hard to forget. But for now, she would take Darius’s words to heart. She would take her time, gather her strength, and when the moment came, she would tell him everything. And she would hope that he would still stand by her side.
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