Family Meeting

1460 Words
“Wren? Can I show you to your room?” Faye asks softly from the archway. She gives me a sympathetic look, so I’m sure she overheard, or rather eavesdropped, on my conversation with the king.  “That would be wonderful. Would it be possible to stay there forever?” I reply sarcastically. “Please don’t judge my brother on your first interaction. It takes him a little while to warm up to people,” she explains.  “He must be different with his family. I don’t get the impression that will be happening with his future queen,” I retort.  “Be patient and give it some time,” she pleads.  I follow her to my room and when I step over the threshold I gasp in surprise. A huge four poster bed is on the far right wall, with windows facing the beautiful countryside. There are bars on the windows, which is slightly disturbing, but I am going to assume they are for safety because we are so high up.  On the other side of the room, there is a wardrobe, a small nook with a beautiful overstuffed chair and a small bookcase. There is a small entryway behind it with no door and I walk over to find a huge bathtub and washing area.  “This is beautiful and quite modern,” I remark.  “Drake had some of the main bedrooms redone to add a separate area for bathing, rather than having it in the bedroom. Sometimes he has good ideas,” she replies with a wink.  “His ideas about women leave something to be desired,” I say under my breath.  “I just ask that you give him a chance. He’s not so bad once you get to know him,” she says.  I quirk my eyebrow at her and sigh. It’s too late now to go back on my word, so I will have to make the best of the situation.  “Are you married?” I ask.  “I was once...but not anymore,” she says. She is wearing a pained expression and doesn’t seem to want to elaborate, so I don’t push. There is an awkward silence and then she puts a bright smile on before turning to me. “Well, I think you will have all you need for now. I believe your maid and personal belongings should arrive by tomorrow morning and if you need me to later, I can help you undress,” she offers.  “I appreciate that, but you are a princess, you shouldn’t be doing the work of a ladies’ maid,” I reply.  “I don’t really believe in all that, but I understand if it makes you uncomfortable. I just thought you might want a friendly face later on,” she says with a shy smile. I get the impression she is a little lonely and maybe offering to start a friendship. I’m not mad at her anymore for lying to me about the king. In fact, I think in her way she didn’t lie; she just knows him in a different way and wants the best for him.  “That would be lovely,” I say.  “I’ll see you at dinner then! Maybe afterward I can convince our cook to make us some hot chocolate,” she replies.  “I’ve never had that before, but I’m very excited to try it. Wait, did you say dinner?” I ask.  “Yes, of course, you will have dinner with the family,” she informs me.  “And the king?” I ask hesitantly.  “He most likely will be there tonight. My mother insists he have at least one meal a week with the family and he’s overdue. But most of the time he is too busy and he takes his meals alone,” she replies and then adds, “I’m sure that will change once you’re married.” I can’t decide what sounds more exciting, sharing a meal with the arrogant king or the future mother-in-law who already dislikes me. Lucky me, I get to do both this evening.  Faye leaves me to ponder these thoughts alone and I lie down on the big bed, exhausted from the day. I can’t help but be overwhelmed by all the emotions running through my brain. My plan to escape was foiled and now I find myself exactly where I was trying to avoid being; beholden to a man. I unintentionally cry myself to sleep and wake to someone knocking on my door. I am very disoriented when I get up and stumble a little, brushing my hair out of my eyes.  When I open the door I find Francesca standing there with a big smile on her face.  “Mother said to let you know it’s almost time for dinner,” she says and then adds in a whisper, “She gets very cross when you’re late.”  “I will make sure to be on time then. Thank you for letting me know. When is dinner?” I ask with a smile back. “In twenty minutes,” she replies, then gives me a little wave and saunters away.  That doesn’t leave me much time to get myself together, but it doesn’t really matter anyway because I won’t have my clothes until tomorrow morning, so I don’t have any dinner dresses. I go into the bathing area and look in the mirror on the wall. I look a fright; with my hair sticking up all over the place and my eyes all puffy.  I rinse my face with some water from the nearby pitcher and brush my hair out with my damp fingers. It will have to do for now until I have my things.  I straighten the bed linens and peruse the small bookshelf, picking out a romance novel for later and placing it on the table beside the big comfy chair. If I’m not going to have a romance in real life, at least I can escape to someone else’s.  As I make my way downstairs I can hear arguing in a nearby room. I tiptoe quietly towards the entryway when I hear my name mentioned and settle in to eavesdrop. “I don’t see why you have to make such a hasty decision, Drake. Renata is beautiful, but what do we really know about her? Bringing her into this family is a serious decision. Don’t you think we should all agree that she’s the right fit?” the queen says.  “I already told you, Mother, I have made my choice and that’s final,” Drake replies in a frustrated tone, then he softens it and adds, “You know I don’t have much time.” “Mother, please give her a chance. I used my gift to test all of the princesses and she is the only one that passed, with flying colors no less. She is a genuinely kind and accepting person and I am confident that Drake will one day be able to be his true self with her,” Faye responds.  “That remains to be seen,” she retorts.  This lady really loves that phrase, I think. But what was Faye talking about when she said she used her gift? And the king will be able to be his true self? I hope his true self is nicer and more congenial than his current self. I also want to know what he means by not having much time.  I shouldn’t have listened in on their conversation; it’s rude and now I have many more questions than answers. “She’s also about to be late for dinner! I just don’t see how she is going to be a queen and run this household if she can’t follow simple instructions,” the queen remarks.  I quietly make my way back up the stairs and then come back down, making my steps a little louder and more obvious.  "Hello?” I say to let them know I’m here. Fay comes around the corner with a friendly look on her face.  “Hello, Wren. You look refreshed. Are you happy with your room?” she asks.  “It’s very nice, thank you,” I reply politely.  Faye wraps her arm around mine and begins to lead me to the dining room. The queen gives me a skeptical look but doesn’t greet me and walks past us. The king has an intense expression and nods briefly in my direction before following his mother.  “Ready?” Faye asks me with a chuckle and a wink. I’m glad she finds all this so amusing. “As I’ll ever be,” I reply.  And into the lion’s den I go.
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