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After the king’s very forward behavior, he disappears into the shadows and I practically run to my room. My body feels hot all over and I can’t deny that he makes me feel as no other man has before. But his arrogant attitude and overbearing behavior leave a lot to be desired. My mind is stronger than my desire and I intend to do just what Roberto told me to do; give him a run for his money, or gold in this case.  I found it interesting that his eyes lit up when he mentioned gold because he doesn’t seem like a materialistic man. He obviously takes very good care of his family and gives them an extravagant life, but his answer to what motivates him had nothing to do with anything of monetary value.  If his primary concern is about protecting his family, maybe there is hope for him after all.  I barely sleep the rest of the night and in the morning the sun shining through my window is not a welcome sight. I pull a pillow over my head and groan. I have no desire to engage in any more verbal sparring with the domineering king or suffer under the relentless judgment of the queen. Maybe Faye will do me a favor and convince everyone I should stay in my room until the wedding.  “I know I didn’t teach you to be a layabout, young lady.”  Margaret’s stern voice has me leaping out of bed and flying across the room to envelope her in a tight hug.  “Oh my goodness, I’m so glad you’re here!” I exclaim with delight.  “Renata, be easy on me. I’m not as young as I used to be. It has been a stressful time getting all your things ready in a hurry and then waking up in the dark to arrive here early,” she replies.  “I apologize, Margaret. I just finally feel like I’m not alone. It’s wonderful to have an ally in this place. Other than Faye I have no idea who I can trust, and even she is the sister of the king so I still must watch what I say,” I explain. “You must always watch what you say now. You are to be queen. It is a great responsibility and you will be a role model to many people, especially young girls,” Margaret advises me.  “Yes, ma’am,” I say dutifully.  “The footmen are going to bring up your trunks. Is there a robe so you can make yourself decent while they bring everything in?” she asks. “No, but there is an adjoining washroom and I can stay in there, out of sight,” I say.  I show her to the little archway and her eyes widen in wonder at the beautiful set up.  “Isn’t that a wonder,” she marvels in awe. The footmen bring up three trunks, two with dresses and one with personal belongings. “Where’s the rest?” I ask her as I make my way towards one of the trunks. “I packed as much as I could to get you through the next week. The rest will be brought along in carriages slowly so we can take our time organizing it all in the royal dressing room,” she says.  I am rummaging through my personal items and I barely register her words, caught up in the happiness of finding my mother’s pearl necklace and a few other trinkets that I cherish.  “Let’s get you dressed, Renata. There are many preparations and decisions that need to be made for the wedding. We mustn't keep the queen waiting,” Margaret says.  “Trust me, that’s the last thing I want to do,” I remark.  Margaret follows me downstairs and as soon as we reach the breakfast room she starts to walk away.  “Where are you going?” I ask in surprise. “It won’t ever be like it was at home, Princess Renata. We are in a new kingdom and you will soon be its queen. Decorum is of the utmost importance. Ladies’ maids do not have breakfast with the royal family. I will take my meals in the kitchen as is customary,” she replies. My heart drops at her words. I know we bent the rules a lot when I was growing up, but Margaret was always more like family and my father rarely attended meals with me. It’s finally starting to sink in that although Margaret will always be there for me and protect me, this is a journey I must make alone.  I swallow the lump in my throat, paste a smile on my face and square my shoulders before walking into the room. To my great relief, the king is absent this morning and it seems to be an all female gathering. Princess Francesca and Faye both smile warmly at me and the queen barely acknowledges my presence. I sit daintily in my seat and I am served a delicious breakfast of sweet rolls, eggs, duck sausage and wild berries with cream. I tuck in and listen carefully but covertly to the queen’s conversation with Faye. They are still discussing seating arrangements but then quickly move on to flowers and decor. There seems to be an argument on what the royal florist will be able to get on ‘short notice’.  “May I ask why three months will be short notice?” I say. “Three months?” the queen says and gives me an odd look. “That is the customary length of a royal engagement. One month of official courting, then two months of engagement and planning,” I reply.  “Oh dear,” Faye says quietly.  “Your engagement was announced this morning and your wedding will be in three weeks time,” the queen says curtly.  “Three weeks!” I exclaim and add, “That isn’t very proper. What will people say?” I must have a shocked look on my face because Faye is wearing a sympathetic expression. The queen sighs loudly as if she’s tired of explaining things to me. “The common people’s opinions are of no concern to us. As far as any other royals, they knew about the contest and that the king was anxious to marry. There have been quicker weddings in the past,” the queen replies.  “For unsavory reasons!” I protest.  The queen gives me a withering look and carefully places her fork down on her plate in a very pointed manner.  “This was all laid out in the invitation to enter the king’s contest to be his bride. I am aware that you did not intend to enter, but this is not a negotiable point. Your father agreed, so there is nothing to be done about it now. Furthermore, we do not discuss or mention ‘unsavory reasons’ at the breakfast table in this house,” she says snidely.  I clamp my mouth shut so I don’t say something I will surely regret, but my head is spinning with the idea of being married to the king in less than a month. With all the preparations to do before the wedding, there is very little chance of the king and I getting to know each other. I thought I at least had some time to get used to the idea.  “But...we barely know each other,” I finally say in a defeated voice. “Many royal marriages have begun on much less,” the queen retorts. “Don’t worry Renata, there is plenty of time to get to know my brother after you are wed,” Faye interjects in a kind voice.  But then it will be too late, I think. How can I reconcile marrying someone I barely know and at the moment have major issues with their attitude? I might as well have taken my chances with King Luther. Although I’m not surprised, I am suddenly very angry with my father for entering into a marriage contract knowing all the facts, or rather not knowing much about my betrothed. Clearly monetary gain is higher on his priority list than his only daughter. “I would like to be excused please,” I say.  Panic is setting in and I don’t want to show my emotions in front of the queen. She can’t know about my hesitation or she will think even less of me than she does now. “You are excused,” the queen replies with a curt nod. I get up, my appetite non existent all of a sudden. I begin to walk towards the door and Faye speaks to me. “Maybe we can go for a walk in the gardens later? Would you like that Wren?” she asks.  “I am happy to accommodate,” I say coldly.  I feel terrible as soon as the words are out of my mouth. Faye is just trying to be nice, but she is also part of the problem. By saying nothing in my defense, she is essentially backing up her mother in this regard.  As I walk swiftly through the doors, I am not looking up and I run right into a familiar face. Unfortunately it’s a face I was happy to believe I would never set eyes on again.  “Good morning, Princess Renata. It seems we have some business to discuss,” King Luther sneers.
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