Chapter Twenty Nine - The Crows Mate

2030 Words

Chapter 29 – The Crows Mate Maybells heart was hammering in her chest as she slowly approached the front of the brick building. She didn’t have to get too close to easily realize that the West Spike store was closed down for the day. A small simple ‘We Are Closed’ sign sat in the front glass of the store front window, while beyond the glass the main lights in the store had been dimmed, only allowing Maybell to catch a disinterested glimpse of the sports jerseys, and protein items that the store stocked. Isiah? Isiah where are you!? Maybell thought to herself. She glanced at the front of her screen where the soft blip of her GPs indicated that Isiah’s phone was in the West Point. Which meant that he was probably with Reggie. Maybell didn’t have a doubt in her mind that she had a matter o

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