Chapter Thirty Three - Want

1746 Words

Chapter 33 - Want Ann and Drake went to bed soon after they all arrived back at the Lee Mansion. Perhaps they sensed that Maybell and Isiah needed time to talk, because they both kept their questions brief before they left Isiah and Maybell alone The sun had set long ago and the large shadows of the rose bushes and statues in the large garden in front of the home cast long foreboding shadows as Isiah, his parents and Maybell made the quiet walk from the car to the front of the mansion and the clock on Maybell phone read 11.15 pm. Maybell was so groggy that her thoughts felt like soup in her mind sloshing around, and her hips, back and sides were achy throbbing messes of weak muscles and sensitive nerve endings. Her cheek felt puffy and sore from where Reggie had struck her and her head

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