Chapter Four - Her Betrayal

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Maybell trembled as Isiah walked / pulled her deeper into his large quiet home. Every now and then the woman glanced around, but she knew the home would be empty aside for her and Isiah. Isiahs parents, who shared the large splendid home with their son after retirement, weren't likely to return from the trip to Hawaii they had taken last week. And seeing as it was long past 5pm, the butler had retired for the night. Isiah stopped walking and gestured to a tall black table sitting to their left. "Put you things by the door May." He told her, his face stoic and his intense eyes hard to capture. Maybell dropped her purse and pretended to pat down her pockets for other items so she could settle the trepidation swirling in her stomach. Finally Isiah snatched up her hand and pulled her along, deeper into the home, and up a large set of steps. Maybell's mind was so preoccupied with Isiah and what was about to happen, that she didn't even take notice of the Lee's resplendent home. A mansion filled with expensive Art, décor and silks accompanied by warm tan carpeting in every room. All of the interior was beautiful and quite tasteful. Maybell had of course been in Isiahs home many times over the years, so any awe she may have felt as she was led past towering ceilings, priceless piano's and glittering chandeliers was sorely diminished. Instead Maybell spared her eyes and thoughts on the touch of Isiahs hand on her wrist, pulling her along. He nerve just holds my hand anymore... She lamented as they crested the steps together. And in that moment, as it did every day, an unbearably sharp guilt cut across her soul. Guilt about the love she had destroyed. Regret....regrets were nothing like the soul crushing and nearly overwhelming desire she had to simply rewrite the choices she had made. Choices like going out to dinner with Reggie Reyborn. Isiah's best friend from the third grade. Maybell had found Reggie Reyborn, all star athlete and devilish rough....unbearably handsome back in their younger years. She had had a painful crush on him that was possibly as obvious as the sunlight bearing down form the havens. And she had only met Isiah because she had been pursuing Reggie as a love interest back in the eighth grade. But Reggie hadn't found the middle class piano prodigy up to his standards of sophistication....or beauty. He had often bullied Maybell and acted like an all-around CAD towards her....and it was Isiah that stood up for her. It was Isiah who had partnered with her in the science and history classes they shared, when the other teens shied away. It was Isiah who didn't care about her pedigree or social status. It was Isiah who had won her heart. The video came out and destroyed all that. Maybell had watched Isiahs heart close to her in minutes after watching the film of her being rutted on by Reggie...and five other men. Maybell knew it was over. She knew he was going to leave and the words sprung up from her core in utter desperation. "Please! Please Isiah....Don't leave me! I love you! Ill....I'll do anything...ANYTHING!" Something cold and dangerous seemed to come over Isiah because he grew deathly silent at those words. Then out of nowhere he grabbed Maybell, threw her on the bed and shoved her hips into the air. He was rough and his body heavy as he pulled on her clothes, and made her lean on her hands. Maybell held back tears as his cold touch spread across her bare ass, and up to her breasts. Then he bit her ear hard enough to draw blood and said "Anything...May?" He softly chuckled, before he ran his fingers across her clit, and pinched it so hard that Maybell screamed. "Well I'm going to hold you to that promise. You don't love me! But I want to see how far you'll go to keep me with you......" In seconds he was entering her, his c**k forcing its way up into her anal cavity. Maybell screamed and tried to move away, she had never been f****d doggy style and she felt like her spine was on fire. But Isiah held her like a prisoner, preventing escape and He made no attempt to pleasure her as he pounded into her from behind. He didn't touch her or caress her....or speak. And when he came to climax him shot his hot silky seed deep inside of her. "Whore..." Isiah seemed to choke, panting over her...then he turned away and left. Cold and crying Maybell eventually left the bed and climbed into the shower, where she cried herself to sleep. Its over. Its over...I feel like Im going to die.... But it wasn't over. In fact the next day the texts started to come from him. *** Isiah had forced Maybell to do all manner of things since the s*x tape had been revealed. Like making Maybell finger and masturbate for him until her v****a felt like it had been rubbed raw, and even then he made her continue until he finally mounted her and f****d her from behind and rutted inside of her like a cheep condom. He had become quite creative. Using harsh spankings, hot candle wax on her breasts and even making her give him blow jobs in restaurants or at Maybelle's own place of employment, beneath the tables where anyone could have caught her in the middle of the sensual acts and gotten her fired or Isiah hemmed up on indecent exposure charges. The s*x was harsh and intense but also passionate and painful. A barrage of pleasure and mental anguish and guilt that never got any easier to endure...or not feel aroused by. And Maybell did everything he asked faithfully because she hoped that it would make everything okay again between them. She believed that after Isiahs heart had recovered they could start to rebuild and put Reggie behind them. Isiah led Maybell down a new hallway on the second floor of his large home, passing a large wall, where dozens of phots were mounted. Pictures of Isiah as a boy, his parents' marriage night and Isiahs grandparents. But there were also pictures of Isiahs graduation. And this photo seemed to blare in Maybelle's face. In the image there was young handsome youth, Isiah, who was hugging two other people to his chest and laughing. His bright blue graduation robes matched Maybelle's own robes in the image...and Reggie Reyborn's robes. Reggie had been a youth with long blond hair, large deep green eyes and a size and girth that easily out matched both a young Maybell and a young Isiah Lee in the photograph. Internally the woman shuddered and looked away from the handsome smiling youth in the image who had grown into a walking breathing nightmare. And together with that nightmare Maybell had betrayed Isiah, a man that Maybell confessed to love and Reggie had treated like a brother. Suddenly Maybell flinched and blinked as the "Click" of a door closing sounded behind her and Isiah dropped her hand. The pair had come to Isiahs room, a giant rectangular room, full of simple art, a leather two seat couch, a large flat screen, and a king sized bed, covered with white silk sheets, countless black pillows, and thick fluffy covers. The windows sitting on all three sides of the room had been drawn blocking out the sight of the sky darkening outside as night crept up. Needing space Maybell started to cross the room, but the moment she got too far Isiahs voice rose up. "Ah ah May...come back here." Isiah called from behind her. Maybell bit her lip and refused to look his way. Like hot oil, he chuckled at her slight refusal, smooth and full of irritation and raised his voice. "Get back here. Right now May....I think we need to have a serious talk about your behavior."
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