Chapter 9

830 Words

I took my place at the front of all the female wolves. Priya Patel was behind me, her silver bracelet looking gorgeous against her dark skin. She looked pretty in a matching silver dress, her hair braided down her back like she was a goddess. "Nervous?" She asked, smiling at me. "Hell yeah." I whispered back. She shrugged at me playfully. "Some of the girls are betting you're gonna fight." She said. I tilted my head at her, shocked at this. I didn't think anyone paid enough attention for me to actually bet on me. "Really? How much is the betting pool going for?" I asked, chuckling. "I have you on 50 bucks." She teased. I shivered at the cold. "Way to put the pressure on me." I joked. Priya laughed, the sound twinkling through the night. "Hey, I'd be honored if I could hold on to your

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