5 - Jealous much?

1053 Words
Greyson Amused, I take a few long strides and approach the bed where the little wolf sits glaring at me. She’s asking for trouble, taunting me to show her exactly who I am and how powerful compared to her. "Sic Mittens, get him!" She suddenly hisses towards the cat. I raise an eyebrow. What in the name of all dark is she thinking that a cat can do to me? "What… what does she want me to do, Master?" Blaze meows, it’s head bobbing from Sophia to me and back. She looks at the cat expectantly, making it clear that only I can understand him. "She wants you to attack me." I inform the confused demon, disregarding the girl’s dumbstruck expression upon me addressing her cat. She recovers quickly from shock, though, her eyes flashing amber like the hottest fire in Hell. "Damn right, I do!" Comes the little wolf's confirmation. It's rather cute. She’s rather cute. I shake my head. That came out of nowhere, is she playing her tricks on me again? "And should I, Master?" The cat meows again, though to anyone else but me it would look like Blaze is ready to pounce on me. "Absolutely not if you value your pathetic life out of the pits of Hell." I growl towards the insolent demon. I can't believe he would even consider such a thing. Turning towards the raging werewolf, already out of the comfort of her bed and standing in a fighting stance, I look at her up and down making sure to hold my gaze until I get the reaction I wanted. I smirk when she shudders from the coldness of my stare, losing her composure a little. I half expected her to try and fight me by now. I’m almost disappointed she didn’t. After a few seconds where neither or us says anything, it’s getting rather awkward. "He doesn't like the name… Mittens." I say making sure not to mask my disgust, and earning me a raised eyebrow from the she wolf. For someone that's supposed to be an Alpha, she is annoyingly all woman-like and girly. Sighing, I explain. "His name is Blaze." "So you talk to cats, huh?" She mocks me, raising her perfectly arched eyebrows up and down, her stance relaxing ever so slightly. "The cat is a Demon from Hell that could probably kill you only by showing it's true form. And I can talk to it, yes." I challenge but it’s like she’s purposely defying me by not showing any fear. Hmm… Immediately Sophia’s eyes grow wide, her fighting stance long abandoned. She stares at me, properly taking in my features. I can tell that she finds me familiar, yet she can’t quite put her finger on it. She didn’t see me when we last met, but she doesn’t know that yet. It’s not long before the colour quickly drains from her face. “You… It’s you, isn’t it?” She barely whispers, visibly afraid, looking around her helplessly. I smirk. Oh, so she is afraid of me after all! “It depends. Who do you think I am?” I look straight into her large, blue eyes, my lips not moving, yet my voice sounding right next to her ear. Sophia jumps and briefly looks over her shoulder then back at where I’m standing with a grin on my face and eyes narrowed into slits. Only she can’t see me anymore, but I’m positive she’s still feeling the heaviness of my presence. I shake my head as Sophia rushes to pick up Blaze, cradling the cat shaped demon and cooing how proud she is of him. I scoff at Blaze’s little whiskers moving from his smirk. The useless demon didn’t do anything, didn’t protect her, yet she’s praising him. I completely disappear before I can do something I might regret, but not before Blaze lets out a meow which I hear loud and clear as “Jealous, Master?” I left not because I was done with Sophia, but rather because I had more souls to reap. I’m not a stranger to sending someone else to reap souls for me every now and then, when my scythe is too busy to cope, but right now I have to do it myself. Sirius pack, the location where I end up. I’m back to wearing my cloak, my faithful scythe shining in the bright moonlight above. It’s dead silent, eerie even for a soul Reaper, Death looming around even before I arrived. Sophia is safe where I just left her, in her friend’s pack, but still an assassination is about to take place here. Not wanting to get into why I instantly thought about the wolf's safety, I hover above the worn out alley leading to an imposing mansion. It smells of Sophia and throws off my senses for a brief moment. I all but growl, thinking that she bewitched me again. She has to have done something, and I will soon figure out exactly what that is. Anger sweeps inside me as I march towards the souls calling to be reaped. Souls, there’s two of them, already barely hanging onto their Earthly remains. It’s not long before I reach an opulent room where a man and a woman with features so familiar, lay in odd angles on a blood stained bed. "When it's time, it's time." I whisper, my lips not moving but the sound still carrying in the eerie room. I frown before I wave my scythe. They were supposed to be werewolves, yet they slept through an intruder that managed to plunge a dagger into each of their hearts. Chastising myself for taking a second to wonder about the deaths, I remind myself that it’s not my business, and with a swift motion of the blade I reap the two souls. They let go willingly, still intertwined even in the essence of the afterlife. I'm guessing they were mates, and my mind wonders if this is the connection Sophia will have with her mate. Another sweep of anger curses through at that simple thought, but the little wolf's face stays imbedded in my head. It’s at that moment that recognition hits me smack in the face, causing the hood of my cloak to metaphorically drop. These were Sophia’s parents!
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