Episode 46

1929 Words
Yoru’s POV Geez, these two got me all worried for nothing. It all seemed normal, just me, Astra, and Velo joking about stuff and other useless things that really didn’t matter that much. I thought I would wake up with something I feared, although I anticipated the moment I heard Velo asking Astra why he would be leaving; I guess I was wrong. We just continued to talk for a few hours about how the three of us met each other and reminisced about the happy memories we built in this stormy path and life. It feels like many had passed, many terrible things happened, but to me, the day I met Astra was still fresh. How we met these other members who stayed true to Astra looking back, it didn’t occur to me that Astra had such fond memories of us wait, wait, wait, I think that’s not it; he’s not that type of guy to cherish every little bit of his memories he’s not that sentimental it’s maybe just because he’s really observant and have a good recollection well yeah I think that’s it. *(Flashback)* I remember once we infiltrated a laboratory. There was this massive machine in a secret compartment with many buttons with thousands of colors and differents levers to it. Astra’s given task was to memorize each of them and their uses. It was nerve-wracking, considering the short amount of time we had. Unnerving, I would say, the moment I walked in with him. could someone even learn all of that in just a few hours? “I never saw one like this before this is….” he stopped talking, grasping at the buttons in the machine. “What about it, Astra? Is there something wrong? Do I need to notify the others and-” “Amazing” I chuckled a little bit in my mind, as I thought things like this were exciting for you Astra. “Hey, Yoru, how much time do I have to memorize and navigate the controls of this machine?” Astra asked, gazing and astonished at the seemingly complicated apparatus in front of us. Just what kind of mind does this guy have, and why don’t I have any of it? That’s unfair! “Hey! What’s with the salty face?” Astra asked teasingly “Nothing,” I answered irritatedly “Don’t worry about your dumb ass. That’s why I’m here” Astra smirked “I’m not worried it’s just...it’s just unfair okay? tsk!” Annoying you’re annoying Astra “Yeah yeah, I know I’m just; how do I reveal to you the truth? Ahmmm… hmm, that I’m rather more appealing than you, haha” he giggled at his statement. GRRR! “HEY! THAT’S NOT WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HERE!” you stupid Astra “Hahaha, alright, alright, come on and answer my question now, Yoru.” “Hmm, right, kay!, According to the geezer, their dinner is just up to 6 p.m. you only have 2 hours, Astra.” “Well, that’s good enough for me” I never would have doubted you but “What the fvck?” “Language Yoru” “Yeah, as if you have never cursed AAASS-TRA.” “What I mean is.” “Are you sure about this? I thought you don’t know anything about this machine?” “What if you need more time.” “What if... What if they” “Shh! Yoru shut up. I can’t focus,” Astra complained “but Astr-” “Shhhhhhhh!” tsk okay! What is he doing anyway? Ugh, just looking at those controls makes my head hurt. How does he even do those kinds of stuff? “Yoru focus watch out for anyone just because there’s no one here does not mean there will be no one outside coming for us” Astra ordered “Jeez, so bossy, I know.” “What did you say?” “Nothing right on it, Astra.” “Hmmm yeah, I thought so,” Astra Chuckled “This security is a pain in the butt.” “I know you can do it, Astra.” “Yeah, I know too.” “Tssk yeah yeah so cocky.” “Yeah, just like you.” “You know what fvck you.” *(10 minutes pass)* Damn, it really hurts my brain. I can’t understand anything I’m looking at. What even in the hell is this?! I’m sure the one who invented this is crazy, and someone who’s able to understand this is nuts, like the one I’m standing on besides with “Hey, Yoru,” he called as I zoned out a few minutes earlier from what he was doing. “Hmm? Oh yeah...what is it, Astra?” “looks like I can now access it” “And bust in their security system.” “I was wrong earlier. It’s not that complicated security. It’s manageable” ahuh...huh?! what? “damn, they should work on their security more. This code is so easy to figure out,” Astra commented. Just stop. I didn’t even listen. My jaw dropped, and my mind went into nothingness. I mean, what already?! But it’s just been 10 minutes?! With this challenging security and considering not knowing anything about this...this thing, just. “How I mean I know that you….” “Astra, your really just-” “Amazing?” he assumed “Yes!” “I know, ha!” he smirked. “If only we don’t have to do this anymore,” Astra stated “Huh, what do you mean?” I mean, just a while ago, you’re enjoying this kind of stuff. Why do you want to stop Astra? “Nothing really knowing more comes with a prize.” “Yeah, no s**t, just imagine if there’s just one button to out Muerte’s deepest darkest and disgusting secrets, then all of this will stop HAHAHA,” I said jokingly and laughed at my joke. “if only there were really a way no what do think?” but Astra didn’t laugh nor response he stayed quiet, and as I looked at him, his face was now blank and serious as if he was thinking or planning about something or just that determined about what he was doing hmm? Eh? “Hey, Astra?” “Do you have a problem?” “Did I say something wro-” what? *(Security Alarm buzzing)* “Ha? what’s that noise? It’s so loud” what’s that sound? Wait... Isn’t that the “It’s the alarm!” I looked at Astra, who was still focused on what he was so doing and seemingly still on our current situation “Hey, Astra s**t, what have you done?!” COME ON, ANSWER ME, ARE WE GOING TO DIEEE “Just pressed the wrong button,” he said bluntly. “What do you mean just! Look at our tracker look” I showed him the circles that were coming for us. “LOOK AT THIS THEY ARE COMING TO BITES US IN OUR ASSES!” how can he be so calm in this situation. “AHHH!!!! JUST 2 MINUTES” “Yoru just…” “1! What are we going to do? What are we going to do?!” “Yoru, can you-” “No, Astra, no, I can’t! “AHHHH THEY ARE….here?” I was perplexed at what I had just witnessed. Why didn’t they come for us? The circles that represent the guards pass by the room we are in, completely ignoring us? Huh? “EH?!!! HUHHHH!!!!??” “HAHAHHAHAHAHA,” Astra c***k up, laughing “What the fvck Astra, what did you do?!” “What? HAHAHA” “HAHAHAHHA, you should have seen your face. It’s hilarious.” “Why you !!!!” I was about to throw a punch when Astra’s face suddenly stopped laughing and became stern. You thought you could get away with this, huh?! Astra? Here I come Asssss- “As-” “Shhh” Astra pulled the gun under his pants and pointed it directly to the door. “What are you doing?” I tilted my head, confused at what he was doing “Shhh listen” *(somebody is opening the metal door)* *(someone is knocking on the metal door clang, clang, bang, bang, bang)* Shit, did they find out we are here damn fvck we are dead, s**t this loudmouth of mine “Astra,” I whispered; what are we going to do now? There are almost 50 men outside, and just the 2 of us we are outnumbered. How are we going to get out of this alive “s**t, we’re gonna die!!” “Hey, hey,” a whisper was coming from outside the door “Heeeeeyyy” should I go and listen at the door? Well, there’s no sense in doubting my decision. Astra was already walking towards it. This guy is really bold “Hey Astra, don’t be stupid.” “Shhh,” he shushes me. “Heyyyy,” The voice on the door becomes louder. Astra came closer and listened closely. “Heyyyyyyyy” wait, I know that voice that stupid boy “Velo?” Astra asked, recognizing the man’s voice “Let me in, boss, please” Astra let me open the door so he could still point his gun in case that it was not who we thought it was. I opened that door, and quickly the man fit through who and met with a gun pointed at his head. “AHH! DON’T KILL ME, DON’T KILL ME” “SHHHH!” I said, quickly closing his mouth “Mhmmmhmmm” “Stop squirming, Velo, it’s just us,” I immediately closed the door behind us before someone noticed or in case someone heard Velo’s yapping. Astra slowly puts his gun away and puts it back in where it belongs. “Velo, what are you doing here? Are you sure that no one had followed you?” Astra questioned “Yes, boss,” Velo responds “Are you sure?” I added “Well, okay, I’m not sure I was worried when the alarm went off and wanted to help in case you two got trapped as I got in; the guards here were running. I almost got caught, but it’s a good thing I wasn’t. I was confused about why they didn’t stop here and continued to run elsewhere, so I thought of knocking, but you guys wouldn’t let me in.” “Of course not stupid what if you’re one of the men” I argued “Yeah, good point,” The man realized “Moron” As we were fighting, Astra was already working back on navigating the controls and access of the security and the machine. “Hey, boss, what happened back there? Why did the alarm trigger?” “Because of me” Huh? “Because I need you here.” “WHAT?!” What did he just say “You planned that, Astra.” “Yeah, because I know you will go in even if the alarm didn’t trigger, so might as well play with the security and let you in easily.” “Heheh? Damn, that was amazing. How did you know? Sorry boss” eh?! Wait...so Astra knew and planned all of this ahead of time? “You knew all of that, Astra?” I asked “Well, is there something I don’t know?” he replied as he displayed a mischievous smile *(End of Flashback)*
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