Sacred Love // 31

1859 Words
SACRED LOVE : 31    Zal POV   As much as the sun was warmer than yesterday,                                    it was still cold enough that made us wear jackets while carrying the tons of boxes towards the van in which they gotta take lots of food and snacks, the small furniture and utensils.   Including the women's makeup and all the ornaments [lol].   Jewels are the most precious things for mom and I couldn't figure out why.   Chuckling at my own thoughts, I walked inside.   The yells and the guards rushing inside echoed as I frowned looking upstairs only to find a maid walking out of the room before scolding them to walk away.   As she glanced at me, her eyes looked away with ignorance.   What the hell was that?   As I watched her walk in amusement, a smile formed on my lips finding her cheeks pink.   What a foolish girl.   I bit my lip as I took jumpy steps towards upstairs smiling to myself.   I didn't expect myself to accept my mom's request until I gave it a shot,   because why not?    Maybe in this way, I can be closer so I could be listening to her heartbeat at least once-   My eyes widened as I felt the blood rushing up to my cheeks.   no zal, that is not true-   I bit my lip as I rubbed my face while the smile widened upon my face which I tried to cover up with my hand.   It was so naive of me acting tough but feeling so much inside.   Is this… supposed to be something expected?   Not at all.   But why do I feel at ease as soon as I listen to her name echoing around me.   Hearing her being called Mrs. Zal makes my heart freeze as my whole body responds.   I wonder why I still feel right about it while she was with someone already.   Wasn't it obvious, Mr. Xin knew it. But…                       Why did he still announce that?   No wonder I call him by his name, sigh.   As her eyes clutched tight while her heart beat echoed in her own ears.   She tried to open her eyes,                                              they were immediately closed feeling the bright light affecting her sight the second she opened them to look around.           But, what do you expect in this prison other than the people you fear?    Her eyes welled up with warm tears as the thought ran in her mind.    As she tried to open her eyes again, the sight in front of her surprised her.   A young man who was almost her age, sat there.   With his hands holding cheeks while he's staring at her which made her heart skip a beat.   As she tried to sit up, she whimpered, feeling her wrists aching with a pinch of pain.   “Oh? You-you woke up?”   he blinked his eyes as she sat up slowly looking at him in confusion.   “Just wait, M’Lady i’mma go bring my dad’s shawty-”   Then it hit her. It was the guy who brought her onto the stage that day.   His name….                          Uh oh I don't know, do i?.....   Her eyes averted towards the door where Mrs. Xin stood staring at the back of the timmy until he turned around with such a bright smile which faded away as soon as his mothers glare dug holes inside his soul.   Gulping, he looked behind at Cia before smiling with a giggle.   A pinch on his ear, a squeal escaped his mouth making Cia blink looking at the scene where Mrs. Xin laughed while she scolded.   “Shawty, huh? Where you learn this all hm!?”   A laugh echoed as Cia stared at them while a small smile was forming upon her lips.   But then, her eyes slightly widened.   So it's M-Mr. Xin’s mansion!? How'd I end up here?   As she got lost in her own thoughts,   Timmy was standing there while Mrs. Xin reached her bed.   As Cia felt someone caressing her back, she flinched as shivers ran down her spine which made Mrs. Xin eye her up and down while she hesitantly moved her hand away.   “How are you feeling, child?” cia blinked, nodding hesitantly.   “Good?”   Timmy leaned against the door frame as Mrs. Xin spoke, smiling.   Cia’s hand clutched the sheet as she nodded hesitantly.   As her eyes looked aside at her hand with so much hesitancy, her body went stiff.   The ring..   Where's the ring..?     You know the rules, don't you? Ring. it must be on. Always.   Sweat formed on the forehead of hers as she gulped while tears started to well up in her eyes.   She looked around as Mrs. Xin looked at Timmy in confusion.   ‘What is she doing?’ Mrs. Xin signalled as Timmy bit his lip looking at Cia.   as Cia tried to get up, the deep husky voice echoed which made her look up.   “What are you searching for?”   her body started to shiver as the voice was too close to be familiar where she felt herself getting continuous chills.   But, the way she sat frozen made everyone think she's just surprised.   But what they didn't know is, she was frightened.   Inside she held so much she wanted to let it out but all she did was be quiet.   because, She was taught to behave and she will behave well.   As Mr. Xin stepped inside the room, her muscles relaxed, realising it wasn't them.   A soft quiet sigh left her lip as she sat down on the bed.   Mr. Xin walked towards the couch which was beside the bed.   As he sat down, she slightly moved back on the bed making him look up at her.   Noticing her uncomfortableness,                                             he looked at Mrs. Xin which made her nod and sit beside her immediately.   As her eyes looked around herself, Mr. Xin’s eyes softened in an instant before he spoke out.   “There's no use of it anymore so stop searching for it.”   he spoke out as she looked up at him before looking down immediately as her eyes met his accidentally.   She pressed her lips close as she gulped down the tears that were screaming to flow out of her eyes.   Her knuckles turned pale as she clutched her dress tight.   The long dress she wore reached her toes as she closed her eyes,                 feeling her head spinning making her hand hesitantly touch the side of her forehead while her body shivered.   “Sir, the car is ready.''   Her eyes looked up at Mrs. Xin as she smiled at the guard before looking at timmy.   “Timmy, go help them” she said as she tapped his elbow making him nod and walk away with the guard.   Her eyes blinked vigorously as she tried to understand.   Am going home? What if they take me away again…?   The thought feared her most as she looked up at the door while tears flew out of her eyes without her realizing.    “You're not going home, don't worry.”   she looked up at Mr. Xin as he smiled softly.   “OH, YES!”   as the loud voice of Mrs. Xin echoed,                                        Cia flinched as Mr. Xin gave out a nervous smile looking at Cia.   “You're coming with us!”   she exclaimed as she held her shoulders making her look at Mr. Xin as he nodded,      making her hesitantly wipe her tears with the back of her hand.   “You Are sick so we're taking you with us, Mrs. Zal”                            he said smiling teasingly making Cia ignore his words feeling her body getting chills just by hearing his name.   Her fingers picking the dress threads while Mrs. Xin’s smile fades away before looking at him.   “It's not good to mention her as Mrs. Before the wedding, Hun”   she forced out a smile as he rolled his eyes smiling wide.   “Oh, like you didnt call me hun before our-”   his words got cut off as the knob was turned aside before the door opened slightly making Mr. Xin tilt his head to look who came   until his eyes widened as his eyes caught the face of zal from the small gap between door and wall.   The door was slammed close from outside by the other hand making him take a deep inhale.   As he looked back at his wife, his eyes found such a moment he never thought he could.   Mrs. Xin caressed her back as she tried to make Cia feel better.   “Do you feel better? Want to drink anything?”   she mumbled as Cia shook her head before hesitantly speaking out.   “I-I’m okay, Mrs. Xin. t-thank you”   She bowed half hesitantly making Mrs. Xin smile out softly.   “Oh my, dear. I'm glad to know that”   she said before her eyes landed on Mr. Xin unknowingly where he was staring at her with raised eyebrows   making her clear her throat hesitantly looking away making Mr. Xin leaned back against the headboard of the couch before chuckling watching her pamper Cia softly.     . . . . . . . .   “What the hell?”                                                          he spoke out with wide eyes as Timmy slammed the door closed by pulling the knob and turning it aside.   “Zal, what are you doing?”   zal rolled his eyes, making Timmy give out a grin with a giggle.   “Timmy, move aside. I need to get back my files-”   Timmy shook his head before smiling.   “Nope, mom and dad are having some time on their own”   he winked, making Zal frown.   “What do you mean? Move aside, first”   he said sternly as Timmy nervously scratched the back of his neck before pushing Zal with himself towards the stairs.   “What what are you doing?”   he asked, frowning as Timmy rubbed his cheek looking in front avoiding the pierced gaze of zal.   “Man, you know when it's wrong or right time to disturb a couple?” he rolled his eyes before wrapping one of his hands around Timmy's shoulder.   “Bruh, it's MY room in the first place”   he said, frowning before Timmy pinched his stomach making him whimper in pain before looking at him with wide eyes.   “Who the hell do you think I am to play around with?”   Timmy chuckled away. “whO Am i To PlAy around with- youre my fuckin brother”   the sarcastic tone of his made zal smile, softening immediately.   “I hate you, crackhead” he said as he ruffled his hair, making Timmy roll his eyes.   “Oh cmon, like i love you or something” as he said it, a soft laugh escaped Zals lips.   “Yeah, we know what is true,” he grinned, making Timmy chuckle out.   As they walked downstairs, Zal’s eyes looked up towards his room.   As his hand clutched his pants,                                             his heartbeat echoed out aloud making him blink turning his head to look around.   His eyes gazed over the people as his eyes softened with a frown upon his face.   Why do I feel like she is here?
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