Sacred Love // 50 2/2

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SACRED LOVE : 50 2/2 "Ferno?", His breathy, almost fainting voice sped up the beat of the Ferno's heart. As he froze there, with his hands balling into a tight fist, Mr. Liwei's hand pushed Ferno gently to walk inside. "Yes, Mr. Long. He's the patient." Mr. Liwei stated as he smiled. The guards walked out of the office as Bai's eyes were stuck on Ferno. His bangs that were reaching his eyebrows, his lips that were bright red, everything started to make.him feel something he never felt. Feeling awkward, Ferno's hands raised to rub his arms feeling uncomfortable under the both men's gaze. Looking up at the man in front of him, who looked like a prince he used to be friends with and that is none other than him. Blinking, he felt his heart beating fast before looking away. Bai snapped out of his thoughts when his phone started to go off. "O-oh, i think I need to pick this up, please take a seat.", He respectively yet politely excused himself but then, his eyes fell on Ferno . "Please take a seat." He gestured again as he walked away making Mr. Liwei pull Ferno to sit down with him but Ferno tanks his hand away until Mr. Liwei's gaze warns him. Minutes passed by and the nervousness in Ferno built up into something worse. Sweat dripping down his neck, he felt his thigh being caressed by Mr. Liwei's hand. A, he was using phone while caressing Ferno. As his hand caressed down the inner thigh, the door creak opened by the therapist. Giving a nervous smile as soon as Mr. Liwei attentively stood up, his eyes fell on Ferno. "So.." he eyed Ferno, not aware of how much furious Ferno felt at the moment. "Mr. Long, i know i don't have to tell you but , please make it stop." Ferno looked at Mr. Liwei as his soft voice startled his anger. "Is he trying to poke me or what?" Ferno whispered under his breath before a scoff of sarcasm left his lips. Mr. Long's eyes fell on him as soon as he heard what Ferno spoke. Elbow on his desk, wearing glasses, he looked like a piece of meat but Ferno believed that's not going to make anything better in his life. But he does look so hot like spicy chicken. He bit his lip as his crazy thought surprised his own anger self. Leg crossed on another, Ferno looked as if he's a spoiler kid, trying to get some consulting. As Mr. Liwei explained, Mr. Long wrote down with a stern expressio plastered upon his face. "Mm-mm. And when did this started to happen?" His question made Mr. Liwei look back at ferno bitnferno didn't notice as he looked at his hands. Bandageswrapped around his wrists, his hands looked pale and Mr. Liwei felt a heavyweight on his chest all of a sudden. "When he got back..home. from a few weeks." He mumbled as he looked away. Mr. Long took a deep breath in as Mr. Liwei's breaking voice made him realise that Mr. Liwei is getting too emotional. "We'll, Mr. Liwei, if you don't mind.." he looked at Ferno as he continued to speak. "I would like to talk to Ferno personally." Mr. Liwei bit his lip as he looked back at his secretary. "Sir, i think it's mandatory to follow rules. it's an hospital." As the secretary stopped Mr. Liwei from talking with a suggestion, Mr. Liwei felt as if there's no choice other than leave the office. "Sure, Mr. Long, but please let us know when i could take him." Mr. Long smiled as he nodded. "Now, Ferno." Mr. Long gave a soft smile as he stood up. "can we get inside the room?" Ferno shrugged his shoulder. "Whatever." He stood up before walking inside. As Mr. Long followed behind, The door was slammed close right on his face. Closing his eyes, he tried to control his ager as his hand balled into a fist. Turning his head around, he smiled at Mr. Liwei, who stood there within his jaw clenching. But as Mr. Long turned around, His face held not normal expression. "It's fine, Mr. Liwei. I'll take care of it." Mr. Liwei hesitantly nodded before leaving the office. As Ferno looked around, the glass walls surprised his eyes as he smiled sarcastically. "This bastard got lot of money" he chuckled as he mumbled. Standing there, he kept his hand against the wall. Feeling the coldness of the wall, The thoughts which ran through his mind became more darker and darker. Blinking, he sighed but when a cold tone of Mr. Long echoed in his ear, he was startled to death. "Ferno, it is." Turning his back around, he felt self-conscious as soon as he realised there was none but him in the room. With a Bed that have silky sheets upon, it was place in middle of the room that looks more like a house without the walls. Gulping, his eyes fell on the man who removed his glasses. Placing them on the table, his hand ruffling his silky hair that almost reached the back of his neck. A thin line of smirk on his lips, he unbuttoned his upper buttons. Exposing his sweaty chest, he plopped in his chair. One leg crossed on another, his eyes sharply gazed into his. Everything looked too intimidating and Ferno's hand behind his back squeezed his own sleeve of the shirt he wore. "What?" Ferno finally was able to form the words and speak out. His lips were kicked in an instant as Bai's gaze fell on them. Looking up into his the stubborn eyes that were filled with anger, Bai looked down with a smug smile forming on his lips. "Anyways," Bai cleared his throat as soon as he realised that he's off the matter he should be working on. "Take a seat." He gestured him to sit infront of the table. Taking a seat, Ferno sat there along with an expression that shown how annoyed and arrogant he is. A sigh, Mr. Long took the notepad and pen. "Can you tell me What is your name?" He said making Ferno scoff while chuckling. "Don't act like you don't know and don't even ask stupid questions, please. " He said as Mr. Long looked up in an instant. Raising his eyebrow, he talked back with more stern yet polite tone. "Mister, I have to write it down so tell me your full name please." He spoke making Ferno clench his jaw before rolling his eyes. "What a boring start of the day, Ferno." Mr. Long closed his eyes as he breathed in deep. "Full name, sir." He sounded more provoked making Ferno roll his eyes. "Ferno Alfrez." Mr. Long hummed but then frowned. Looking up, he hesitantly looked down at the notepad again. "Alfrez.." he mumbled under his breath as Ferno looked around while his feet tapped against the floor. "Do you have any wounds on your body?" He questioned making Ferno speak in an instant. "No." He spoke but then, Mr. Long repeated the question. But this time, his voice seemed to more demanding one than the polite one. "I'm asking you again, sir. Do you have any wounds, scars or injuries on your body?" Ferno looked away in anger before Mr. Long tried to repeat it again. As soon as Mr. Long mouth opened, Ferno raised his hand pulling the sleeve down his wrist. After few seconds, he dropped his hand down on his lap within his nose leaving a deep exhale. Mr. Long blinked as he recalled what he showed before humming unconsciously. Writing down "suicide attempts - countless" he bit his lip. Sighing deep, he asked the nex question. "What's your age?" He asked making Ferno smirk. "39." Mr. Long took a deep breath since he knew that he's almost in the verge of punching this young guy who's sitting infront of him. "Fine, your occasion?" "I don't eat but I sleep." He said nodidng making Mr. Long look up within his eyes glaring. "Alright, any issues with your thoughts recently?" Ferno chuckled. "Issues with thoughts? No they are really so kind to me." Mr. Long felt that he was seconds away from the anger taking control over his body when he asked the next question with a visible anger in his tone. "Any issues with your health?" Ferno shrugged his shoulders. "Mm-mm, I'm breathing well." Mr. Long slammed the notepad on the table. Ferno unfolded his arms when he saw Mr. Long reaching him. Eyeing the man that reched him, his eyes widened and eyeballs are about to slip out when his arms tightly wrapped around his body. Picking him up in a bridal style, Bai looked right into his eyes and Ferno felt the anger within his face that held such stern expression. As he dropped on him on the silky sheets, Ferno felt his body trembling within the knee of Bai's sinked the sheets beside his knees. Shirt almost slipping off his arm, he felt him crawling up to him. "Take it off." Ferno was startled when Bai's fingers started to unbutton his shirt. "W-what are you doing!?" Bai ignored as he tried to unzip the pant of Ferno's until Ferno yelled aloud in fear. "What are you d-doing!?!?" He yelled within his eyes wide. Bai leaned closer. "Acting like a childish ass, you didn't answer the question." He slipped off the shirt from Ferno making him pull up the silky sheets to cover. A smirk, Bai slowly slipped his fingersinside the sheets before taking it off his upper body with one swish. "So, I'm going to check it by myself"
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