Sacred Love // 47 2/2

1395 Words
SACRED LOVE : 47 2/2 As the time ticked 9 o’clock, The warm shine of the sun fell right on the face of Zal who laid half of the body out of the mattresses. Blanket below his waist, a peek of his veiny waist could be seen since his shirt was up till his navel. Pant that was tied up his waist, he turned over on his back as his abs were exposed out. With a blush tint on his face, he sneezed as soon as the curtains were opened in a swift of movement. “Fxck” he mumbled as he kept his hand in front of his face while nuzzling his nose. His blanket was removed, making him yell in surprise. “What the fxck!? Who wa-” his eyes widened as he fell down on the floor before a loud laugh echoed from the other side of the bed. “gotcha!” Zal frowned as her voice rang in his eyes. Looking up from the bed’s corner, he stood up. “Amie?” he breathed before a tight hug made him stumble back. “Finally! I was able to meet you, Xin Zal Zhu!” Zal patted her back making her sniff while wiping her tears before her arms tightened the hug. “I-I c-ca-” “You don’t even know how much i have to tell you” her eyes glistened with shining glitter as she spoke. “I missed you, Zal” He groaned after she sniffed and snuggled into his neck. “I-i c-cANT BREATHE YOU D-DUMGHEAD-” She broke the hug as his voice raised in panic before he coughed, stepping away. “God, you are so fat!” her eyes squinted in raging and childish anger as he mumbled before she looked around and picked up a pillow, throwing it right at him. “As if you are as thin as a stick!” he threw back, making her throw another. “Don’t provoke me, rat-” Gasping, she reached him to hit him on the shoulder as he was cutted off by her slaps upon his shoulder. “God, Okay! Sorry, now stop will you!” He held her hands before locking them behind. With a squeal, she laughed as his grip started to tighten. But as her voice lowered, she blinked hearing her father’s voice. “Wait, wait!” she Exclaimed before he looked at the door. “It’s your dad, isn’t it?” he said while rubbing his eyes. She nodded, before looking back at him. “I’ll be back, we will go somewhere!” she said before letting his hand go and he blinked while his eyes widened. “I Think i can't-” she was already gone and when he realized it, the words itself stopped in mid. “Ah, whatever” he turned to the bathroom as he took off his shirt.                                                                        — “Morning! Was it really a good morning? Of course, Not!”  A high pitch roaring voice echoed in the hall and Mr. Xin who sat there was rubbing his forehead due to a sudden headache that started to vibrate his already stressed mind. Mr. Franziska has been babbling and yelling about how disrespectful the people in this mansion are for not greeting him a ‘good morning’ which awfully led the maids in the mansion to gather together in front f Mr. Franziska. “Mr. Franzisko, please calm down.” Mr. Franziska turned around with his eyes raging with frustration but then, he chuckled deeply. Making it even funnier, he bends down to the height of the guy who talked. “Mister bread head, Je ne sais pas quel est ton nom, mais as-tu un souhait de mort ?” Blinking, The body froze like a dead ice and Mr. Franziska turned around while rolling his eyes and he faced the maids once again including the butlers. “Where…was I again?” he leaned down towards the nervous boy who was fidgeting with his fingers. His eyes glanced up at the girl behind, who was running right towards him. Eyes meeting, his eyes widening as he realized it was none other than someone…close. Really close enough to remember the way she trips after every few steps she takes. Wide eyed, she tripped as soon as he thought and that’s when a deep sigh left the guy’s lips in defeat. Shaking his head, he looked down as she stood up from the floor again. Chest raising and dropping with every breath she took, her hands clutched the phone she was holding. “F-Father?” she spoke as her eyes never left the young he stood in front of. Turning around, his eyes still held the cold anger as he spoke. “What do you want, Dear Amie Franzi-” “Father, I’m in a hurry so please, don’t spell my full name, it is also embarrassing!” she mumbled making him roll his eyes. “Amiel Fraunz Frenzisko, i might-” “Dad, I’m serious!” He junks away as she takes out the car keys from his pants pocket before looking back at the young guy. Gripping his wrist, she knew what she’s doing and didn’t regret it when she said, “You, come with me.” his eyes widened as he turned his head to look at the man before at her while a dry gulp took place in his throat. “But.. He is a butler!” He stated furiously but by the time he spoke, they were already near the car they were going to drive.  Driving the car, her eyes seemed to be more lost than concentrating on the road. Pulling the gear, she sighed before licking her lips and her eyes glanced back at the guy who sat there with his mind occupied by the phone he held in his phone. Smiling to himself, he glanced up back and that’s when he noticed her eye roll. Looking back at his phone, the smile was back on his face. As she glanced back, she looked down at his phone within herself stopping the car at the side of the empty road. His eyes seemed to be glued to the phone and the fact that the car stopping wasn’t even bothering him made Amie sigh deeply in frustration. As his camera was pointed right at her thighs, she knew that she had to check. Clearing her throat, she got his attention in an instant as a small smirk appeared on his lips. Looking back down at the phone, he was surprised when his shirt’s collar was pulled by both of her hands. Jolted, his eyes immediately fell on her plump lips before into her eyes and then… her lips and… it continued. It continued to provoke her to the maximum and her anger, is what encouraged him, just like it always did. “The phone.”, he chuckled as his tongue clicked before he leaned closer. “Take it if you… can.” She looked away as the anger started to build up in her, before she pushed her hands behind him to take the phone but then, her lips inched closer and his face leaned closer in a swift movement making her move away. Smirking as he looked aside, he sat in his seat comfortably before pushing the phone inside his pants pocket and that’s when she pulled it into her hands. As smooth as the phone, she already had his phone in her hands and he flinched. “Hey, that’s my phone!-”  “Shut the fxck up, Pervert!” she yelled as he frowned before scoffing. “What the fxck? Are you blind or something?” he laughed as her expression changed as soon as she checked his gallery. Looking up, she looked down again to see his family photos. Gulping, she looked up at him. “Whatever.” she rolled her eyes before throwing it at him. “You are lucky that you didn’t.” she chuckled before turning on the engine as he chuckled. “Whatever you say, Dumbhead.” she scoffed as she drove past the streets within her eyes blinking away while his lips that lingered closer got back into her mind making her brush it off in an instant. “What's wrong with me?”
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