Sacred Love // 17

1843 Words
Sacred Love : 17       The mansion was filled with voices as Zal hurried to his personal office.   "Mom! Where's the files that were on table!?" He yelled from his office as he walked out slowly.   His father's presence infront of him made him notice it .   His eyes went stern as he looked at mom behind him.   "Where's it?" He asked as he ignored his father's presence.   "They're taken care of already"   Mr. Xin stated as his hands were in his pockets.   "It's my work to complete and it needs signatures-" "Zal." His stern voice made Zal look at his own father with such serious expression.   "We need to talk."   "there's nothing to talk , mom" he spoke up before picking up the bag he brought with himself.   "Where you taking these?" Zal's gaze turned to him again.   "Mom did you pack my stuff? The clothes I gave for laundry?"   "Where you going?" His voice echoed around as he tried his best to not burst out but maintain the patience.   "H-hes going Seoul , honey" Mrs. Xin said as Mr. Xin frowned.   "No. There's some things need to be done." He said as guard nodded taking the bag away from Zal's grip.   "I need to go, Mr. Xin" he stated as Mr. Xin looked up.   His heart sank in as he heard his own son call him with that name.        He chuckled lightly before ignoring the word and continuing what he wanted to say.   "I don't care, go to your room"   "Look, it's none of your-"   "Zal!"   His uncle's voice echoed around as Zal looked behind his father.   Uncle approached them as Zal gritted his teeth.   "Uncle-"   "Zal Go. Now! Listen when your dad says!" He yelled as Zal looked at his father again.   "I really-"   "your schedules are postponed."   "No. I just-"   "your band mate told me. Now go! You're making your father more angry" he spoke as Zal closed his eyes clutching the hand tight into a fist.   Zal's anger has burst out as he punched the wall on the way to his room   His mother looked at him before running to her husband.   "Honey , are you okay?" He sat in near couch as his body shivered in cold.   "Medicine, Bring medicine!" Mrs. Xin yelled as guard hurried downstairs to bring first-aid.   The nerves popping out against his wrist.   "It's okay, it's okay" he caressed her hair as she cried quiet while rubbing his shoulder.   Uncle looked behind at Zal's room feeling the urge to talk but a deep sigh left his mouth.   Knowing it's not the right time, he looked at his brother again.   "I'll call the doctor" he took out his phone as he walked away.     _____________________________________________    Two o'clock midnight.   Her arms wrapped around herself as she sniffed wiping her tears away. "It's over."  ..Those words ringing in her mind as she tried her best to not cry.   "I didn't mean to..." She covered her face with her both hands as she brought up her legs closer to her chest. Her body was shaking due to the uncontrollable cry.   Sobs leaving her mouth as those echoed around in her room.   Pulling the blankets up, she closed her eyes but then a knock on the door made her flinch slightly.   "Who?" She asked as she heard a gentle sigh of laziness.   "It's...Zal" Hearing Cia's voice , she frowned.   "What..?" She mumbled to herself before hearing another knock.   "Sis...?" She mumbled as Kira sighed getting up from the bed.        Opening the door , she looked at Cia before looking behind to see him standing outside of the door.   He is wearing mask which made her tense up slightly.   "Cia go to your room." She stated as cia nodded hesitantly.   Looking behind at Zal , she walked away.   Yawning on the way she glanced behind only to see Zal hug Kira tight all of a sudden.   Her eyes looked away immediately feeling herself getting chills down her spine.   Clutching her own pants as she opened her room door.   She looked behind before closing her door.            "Z-zal what the hell" she said as he pushed her in still hugging her tight.   Closing the door behind him, he looked at her with red eyes.   She widen her eyes before looking around.   "are you drunk!?" She asked as he pulled her by grabbing her wrist.   Walking upstairs, she just stared at his posture.   Her heart beat raising as she bit her lip.   Pulling her towards the terrace, he removed the mask.   Closing the terrace door, he hugged her.   "Kira , I don't wanna get married" his Soft breaking voice was making her expression turn into more soft and sad.   "What happened Zal..?"   He sat on a chair as he rubbed his face with his both hands.   "I can't...I really don't want to" Zal mumbled as he kept his head on table.   "Zal.... Calm down.. What happened hm?" She asked rubbing his knuckles with her trembling fingers.   "They're wanting me to get married." He stated in anger as she gulped.   "I know that but why did you drink? Like right now? It's past two o'clock!" She exclaimed weakly as he frowned.   "Are you serious? Does it matter right now!?" He gritted his teeth as she sighed.   "Yes. To me"   she caressed his hair as he removed her hand making her hesitant to move closer to him anymore.     "I'm..I'm sorry" he apologized as he felt his voice becoming so rude.   "Zal, just ignore them and -"   "no! I heard Dad talking to some women about my marriage. I'm just...Kira this is not some joke ok!?" He exclaimed as she just stared at him.   "I need some f*****g time!"   He kicked whatever that was infront of his feet which was a flower pot.   He realised immediately looking behind only to see a pot fallen down and          the mud was everywhere around the chair.   "s**t I'm -"   "Zal it's okay! First calm down. I know you're just...not okay with the situation's"   she spoke out while pushing him gently to sit on the chair again.   He looked at her as she rubbed her arms while the strong wind started brush over her body again.   His hands took hers as she looked at him hesitantly.   "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" he mumbled as Kira smiled softly.   "C'mon, you big baby" she ruffled his hair as he moved his head away laughing.   "Why you're so down btw?" His words made her smile fade away as she looked down.   "Zal... actually-"   the door creaked open as Kira's words are cut off by Cia walking in carrying coffee cups in a tray.   Zal's hands letting Kira's go as he stood up from his seat.       "Hey, why...-" "mom told me to.." she looked away avoiding his presence.   His hands slowly brushed hers as he took the tray from her hands.   "And uh where's my books?" Her voice came out hoarse as Kira giggled.   "Cia, they're in desk of your table but now go sleep" Cia looked at Kira nodding.   "Yeah I'll. Later" she turned around completely warmed up by his presence infront of her.   The butterflies in her stomach were flying up mess as she tried her best to not blush hard.   Gasp left her lips as his fingers gently pulled one of her plates (tied hair plate )   which caused her to whimper and turn around where her elbow poked his chest.   Her eyes unknowingly looked into his which made her close them immediately. Oh my why'd I do that!?    she thought as she felt his fingers caressing the grip of her hair plate under the finger tips.   "Tray" his eyes piercing through her soul as a small smirk plastered upon his lips.   Taking tray from his hand, she ran out of terrace making him chuckle immediately.            "Zal... So I wanted to-"   her eyes landed on him who was still smiling to himself about the incident.        which wasn't so pleasant for Kira.   Playing with her necklace, she waited for herself to calm down.   "Zal?" She said as he turned around this time.   "Coffee?" She shook her head smiling.   "I'm not thirsty actually.." Zal hummed sitting down.   "So!" He paused as she flinched snapping out of her thoughts.   Smiling out hesitantly , she heard what he had to say.   "What is it?" Zal asked raising an eyebrow.   "What?" She asked confused and scared that he might heard what she mumbled inside.   "You were in between saying something so" he said frowning as she smiled nodding.   "Ah y-yeah that? Actually...I was just.."   she bit her lip as he waited for her to continue while sipping his coffee.   "M-maybe you can introduce your girlfriend?"   She said while her fingers were picking the threads of her own scarf. His eyes glanced up.   The first thing/person that came to his mind was her again ,        the way she looked into his eyes for the first time.   His eyes blinked as his thoughts went to her soft hair he just touched a while ago.   he choked on his coffee.          "Oh my, Zal!" She gasped waking closer to him in instant.   Rubbing his back she tapped upon his head making him calm down.   "Damn, sorry" she laughed as he glared at her.   "Is your relationship that romantic?" She wiggled her eyebrows.   "I'm not in a relationship."   She frowned.   "Not in love either?"   He licked his lips as her face coming to his mind again.   These thoughts even making him frown because Cia is already engaged.   At such young age she's claimed by someone.     Zal don't jump to conclusions.       It's Love.        She's fxcking claimed.   Wait what am I even thinking!?   He rubbed his face before pushing his hair strands back from his own face.   "Kira, we'll talk tomorrow about this"   he breaths out as she nods while she watch him stand up from the seat.   "Zal.." she mumbles as he stops turning to her again.   But he didn't expect a tight hug from her.   Everything felt strange for a second as he hugged her back but her eyes clutched tight.   Her fingers slowly held his shirt tight making him feel this is not how it should be.   Her hands gripped his collar as her lips pressed against his shirt before she spoke up breathless.   "I....I wanted to tell you something" she looked into his eyes as her tight grip upon his collar made him more confused than he is.   "Kira..? What's-" his phone started to ring which made him take out the phone,    pushing her a little far to have some distance to talk.   "hello? Toy-shi? What happened!?" His voice came out worried before his eyes widen.   "Bài!? What's he doing there!? It's midnight- Kira we'll talk later bye" he said in hurry as Kira tried to talk.   "Zal i was-" he made her hand let his shirt go before running out of the terrace making her fall on her knees tearing up already. Hugging her knees she laid her head against the wall.   "Please be mine... Please Zal" She cried out.
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