Chapter 4 :

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Nicholas ... pov I watched my last pup head out of the house for work , my heart squeezing at her pain. My mate and pup had cried all night because of a man who doesn't know how to treat a woman right. If he did he wouldn't go to the alpha, without making an effort in trying to woo my pup first. And the way he spoke and addressed me also told me he has absolutely no regard for me and my family. He doesn't treat anyone right, how can I hope that he will treat my Elle right. The drive to the airport to drop Renee, Quinn and their mates off was silent. We were all deep in thoughts, hungry but we had no appetite, so everyone skipped breakfast. When my mate and I got back from the airport. I immediately reached out to the beta of our pack, to set up a meeting with the alpha. "Beta Johnson?." "Ah Nicholas, nice of you to reach out to me, to what do i owe the pleasure?" He asked. " I would like to speak to the alpha later today, around noon, if possible." "Okay, that's doable, but what is this about?"he asked "It's about the impending mating of my pup." "Oh, Elle's mating, that is one lucky pup, I must say. Congratulations on finally finding her a mate. Meeting with the alpha shouldn't be a problem, but noon isn't possible. The alpha will be available to you at about, one fifteen pm, is that time okay for you?" "Yes beta Johnson, it's fine." I said. I watched my wife and mate, Naomi gingerly move around the study, trying to be as subtle as she can, while checking emails. We didn't find each other till I was almost forty. Then we didn't have our first pup, Renee, till about thirty years later. I have been investing in stocks for over sixty years now and I have continued to make money off it. So we have a large sum set aside for our pups. Not to make them extremely rich , but enough for them to be comfortable if they decide not to ever work again. But it is hidden from my pack and alpha. If they find out we have such amounts of money hidden, they will take it all. So my pups don't know yet. Elle has always been a worry for my Naomi and I, being born wolf less and all, but she has shown her strengths and perseverance, taking the bullying, and not giving up, but being mated to Gordon is a bit too much. Our pack the blue water pack, is one of the smallest packs in the world. There are two other parks here in Brentwood, the Royal Ridge pack(Gordons pack) and the royal Lycan pack(The kings pack). The Royal Ridge pack used to be the Ridge top pack, but after a handful of their titled female wolves got mated to some titled members of the Royal Lycan pack, they changed their name to befit their new status. Lycans mating with werewolves isn't very common, but the Royal ridge pack managed to produce three Lunas for three governing alphas and a royal beta female for the royal Lycan pack centuries ago, so I can’t blame them. Our pack isn't run like most packs around the world, as a small pack we have always been passed up for business opportunities. The royal Lycan pack only affords us protection, but we have always been sidelined on the business front. So our pack hasn't prospered and it isn't a wealthy pack. Our alpha , beta and gamma families don't work , the only thing they do to improve the wealth of the park is to ensure pack members get jobs as soon as they are of age. While, they sorely focus on running the pack. All working pack members are required to work and contribute eighty percent of their earnings to the pack. Contribute is a mild term, this pack requires all member of age to work and submit a high percentage of its earnings, while the families of the titled members live luxurious lifestyles. After checking our mail and responding to them for hours, while I checked the trades, my mate settled down in front of the tv with a huge bowl of popcorn to binge on some old tv series. I can feel her despair at the situation. " Hey sweetheart, I need to head out now to see the alpha." "Okay, Don't be too long or I'll come find you myself." "I Won't." I said as I kissed her forehead before leaving the room. It took me ten minutes to reach the pack house on foot. I was standing in front of the door to the alphas office, hand raised to knock, when I heard him call me in. " Come on in Nicholas." Our alpha Desmond Hale called from the other side of the door. Alpha Des's huge frame was behind a huge all important looking mahogany desk. Des was a huge man and a very good warrior, but a terrible leader, selfish to the core. He beamed at me as I entered. As always he was dressed impeccably in designer clothes and expensive accessories. "Take a seat, what is the pressing issue you wish to speak to me about, Bordeaux?." He inquired, pausing slightly before he spoke again. "Johnson said it was something to do with Elles mating?" " Yes alpha. " I said respectfully. "Go ahead then."he said with a nod of his head. "Alpha, my family and I met Mr. Weissman, yesterday for the initial introduction and dinner you had set up. But after that, Elle told me she didn't want to be mated to Beta Gordon." "I would like to officially inform you of her refusal to be his mate and also request that the agreement and plans for the mating ceremony be cancelled. If it isn't too much of a bother, Alpha." I finished. I wasn't scared of Alpha Des, but I was really nervous. The Alpha is a money grabber and rumors have already spread around the pack that the mates of the titled wolves have been on another shopping spree, that was two days ago. The Royal Ridge pack or Beta Gordon himself must have given Alpha Des an offer he possibly couldn't refuse. The man would sell his pack members and even the pack for the right price. He was taken aback by my request, but quickly covered. "Nicholas.." he began with a sleazy smile on his greedy face. " Gordon is a really good catch for Elle, there are lots of women who would kill to be in Elles position." "You know how pups can be, most of the time, they don't know what's good for them and other times they don't know what they want or need. As their parents, guardians and leaders, we have to show or force them to see that our decisions are what's best for them." He said in a patronizing tone. " Yes, Alpha but Elle is adamant about this, why not give this opportunity to one of those women who would kill to be in Elles position. It's obvious that my pup doesn't appreciate the opportunity this mating would be giving her." I finished sounding hopeful. "Absolutely not !!, we cannot insult the highly respected beta of the Royal Ridge pack in that manner. The last thing we want is the anger of that pack directed at us. I have made my decision, your pup would have to live with it." He stated, breathed out heavily before speaking again. " Come on Nicholas, I am sure you can see how this mating would be of advantage to our pack. It would help to foster better relations between us and the other packs in Brentwood. Surely you can see that helps us Nicholas?" I sighed and said "Alpha I can see that, but this decision was something that I thought, would have prompted you to seek my opinion and that of my daughter, before giving your consent. That would have helped the pack avoid being in this situation." His face had changed and he was beginning to look angry, but I couldn't back down it is my duty as her father to help her fight these types of battles. "As far as I am concerned there is no situation Nicholas, you are the one here trying to create one. And I don't need your permission to arrange the mating of my pack member." Alpha Des thundered lowly in a warning tone. "But this is preposterous alpha, it's her life we are talking about, do you not want your members to be happy, to live a happy life?" I shot back, my frustration growing at his unwillingness to see reason. "What is a happy life, without safety and wealth, Elle would be well cared for, Gordon assured me of that." Des shot back with a warning growl. "But alpha, we cannot put the lives and happiness of our pack members at risk in order to foster good relations with other packs, we have heard stories about Beta Gordon, please alpha, please reconsider your decision and change it, Elle doesn't want this mating." I pleaded desperately hoping that he will at least see my point. Instead the alpha's eyes began to change from brown to black as his wolf decided to make it's presence known. "Are you questioning my authority, Nicholas? He growled loudly. That miserable,ugly, old hag of a pup of yours, would die a spinster if I didn't intervene and arrange this mating for her. Yet you stand here challenging my authority!!." With my head bowed in submission, I tried to assure him I wasn't questioning his authority. " No, No alpha, I am not challe.... He cut me off. "You and your family are a bunch of ungrateful wolves.!! He shouted I cannot believe the nerve of you lot, to question me, your alpha. Get out of my office right this minute before I throw you in the dungeons." "And Just so you know , its because of the same Beta Gordon, that you will not be punished for your disrespect today. However, this is a one time thing, if you ever think to disrespect me or any titled wolf in this pack again you would be severely punished. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear !?!" He asked angrily, his veins bulging as he tried to keep his wolf under a tight leash. By the time he was done shouting and growling at me, I was on my knees, my head bowed and bent to show him my neck in submission. " Yes alpha , I-I aaap-apologize, I meant no d-disrespect." I said before scurrying out of his office. Alpha Des, might be a greedy man, but he is the best fighter in this pack, no jokes. I felt like a wuss, and a complete failure as I made my way back to my house. I was totally distraught by my failure. I kept thinking and asking myself, what has this pack ever done for my Elle? Nothing, yet they are willing to sacrifice her and deny her wishes to soothe their needs. Their greed and wickedness must know no bounds. As my feet touched the paved entryway to my home, my mate threw the door open and I was instantly engulfed in a comforting hug. "I could feel your fear, despair, disappointment and heartache all the way, from the alpha's house. It didn't go well at all, Did it?" She asked. I pulled her with me into the house and buried my face in her neck, taking deep breaths trying to soothe my aching heart. My wolf was howling with worry for our pup. It was at times like this that I hated the gift of the moon goddess and being a werewolf. I never thought in my wildest imagination, I would find myself in this kind of situation. Now we are left with just one option, the most impossible one. That is telling Gordon Wiessman that he can't mate with our daughter. Just the thought of it was daunting enough. " No not at all." I told her, remembering she had asked me a question. She swallowed hard and said "This time, we have to find a way Nicholas, we didn't interfere all her life when she was being bullied because we agreed, she needed to fight that battle her self, But for this we would have to at least try to fight for our pup this time." " Yes I agree with you my love, this time we have to try." I concurred. We called our other pups and found out they had all arrived back at their packs safely, then told them how the meeting with the alpha went. Patrick offered to accompany us to the meeting with beta Gordon. The problem though, was how we were going to set up the meeting, without my alphas consent? We thought about it for sometime, before Naomi said. " Patrick would have to set it up for us and we will all attend." That's a really good idea, my love, let's see how it goes." I said trying to hide my frustration. "Here goes nothing." I said to my wolf.
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