Bathroom breakdown

2027 Words
“Jazmiiiiiine!” A honk followed the screech and I hopped around my room trying to get my shoe on and grab my bag at the same time. “I'm comiiiiiiing!” I yelled back, hoping she would stop being so loud, other people were still asleep. “For f**k sake Jazmine!” My brother's angry voice came through the wall from next door. “Sorry!” I called as I ran down the stairs. “I hate you!” I heard him yell and I laughed. “Love you too baby brother!” I said as I reached the bottom of the stairs. “Here's your lunch and stop tormenting your brother” dad said kissing my cheek and I just rushed out the door, waving a goodbye as Chelsea waved my dad hello. “You girls have a good day!” He called out and Chelsea honked as she drove off. “I don't know how you still have a job with your sloppy time keeping skills” she said as I fished out an apple from my lunch bag. “I have impeccable time keeping skills thank you very much” I said biting into the apple. “You didn't even have time to eat breakfast” she said looking straight ahead as she rushed us to work. “Whatever” I muttered, rolling my eyes as I made sure I had everything I needed for the day in my bag. “And thanks to my impeccable driving, we won't be late” she said, over taking a few cars. “I'm guessing by impeccable you mean speeding!” I said, swaying side to side as she maneuvered around other cars. “Again, we're not going to be late” she said, pressing on the gas harder. “Did you ask your dad if you could spend the weekend with me?” She asked, eyes still firmly on the road. “You do realise I'm old right? Like I don't need permission to spend the weekend with you?” I quirked a brow at her in question. “Did you ask him?!” She said, throwing me a side glance. “I am a grown woman, I can do whatever I want!” I said, taking a little offence. “Jazmine!” It sounded like a warning, which I knew better than to ignore. “Yes, I asked” I said in a small voice. “And?!” I think she was out of patience now, best not test her further. “He said it was cool” I said, looking out the window as I finishd my apple. “We're going to have so much fun!” She squealed, her mood instantly improving, and I laughed. “Also, pack for a party” she said and I turned to look at her, confused because I hadn't heard of a party this weekend, unless… “What party?” I asked, afraid of what she'd say next. “Wren invi…” she started but I already knew all I needed to know. “Absolutely not!” I said, turning my gaze forward. “Oh come on Jazmine, you never do anything!” She complained but I wasn't having it. “Why do you like putting your life in danger?” I asked, honestly unable to understand her train of thought. “It's not dangerous, jeez, it's just a party” she muttered the last part but I was slowly losing it. “Thrown by werewolves!! Chelsea, it's a party for werewolves. Why do you keep doing this?!” I couldn't hold my frustration back. “Why are you acting like they're monsters? They are my friends for heaven sake! And at some point, they were yours too! They are good people, you know this” She said, lowering her voice as she said the last part. “They're not people! They're monsters! They kill, that's all they know! But I guess you wouldn't know that because it wasn't your mother found torn to pieces?!” I said, my tears stinging the s**t out of me. Chelsea went quiet and I was glad for that. I couldn't believe her! I sighed when we finally pulled into diner's parking lot, glad to finally get out of the car. I opened the door before she could even turn off the engine and rushed my way to the entrance. “Jazmine wait! Please, I know what you're feeli…” she, said chasing behind me and I snapped. Turning to face her, “you don't know anything Chelsea!” I yelled, cutting her off and she took a few steps back, probably not expecting my outburst. A hasrh chuckle escaped my lips as I glared at her, here she was afraid of my little yelling when she was friends with f*****g animals. “You don't know anything!” I repeated, my voice breaking as my tears fell. “You weren't there when they told us we couldn't see her body because she was unrecognisable! You weren't there when we had to do a bloody DNA test just to confirm it was her! You weren't there Chelsea!” Anger licked at my skin like flames. “Jazmine…” she whispered, tears falling down her face but I just couldn't stand the sight of her anymore. I turned around and practically ran inside the diner, trying to make it to the bathroom through my blurry vision without bumping into anything or anyone. I locked myself into a stall and balled my eyes out, the tears ignoring all my efforts to stop crying. Memories of my mother flooding my mind, and the reality that I'd never see, feel or hear her again stabbing at my heart. They were monsters! Werewolves are monsters! They're nothing but killers, cold hearted killers! I finally managed to calm myself after a few minutes and listened carefully before going out the stall. I splashed my face with water and used a paper towel to dry. Looking at my red eyes and pink face, I knew everyone would see that I'd been crying. But I had work to do and I didn't have any make up with me, and there was no way in hell I was going to ask Chelsea to fix me up. So much for a girl's weekend… Squaring my shoulders, I left the safety of the bathroom and quickly made my way to the staff locker room to put away my bag and clock in. I couldn't stop thinking about Chelsea and her weird obsession with wolves. Why couldn't she see how dangerous they were? Was she brainwashed? Because there wasn't a logical explanation. As my best friend, she should hate them just as I do, she should hate them for what they did to my mother! Interacting with wolves wasn't taboo by any means, our little town had been coexisting with them peacefully, but it wasn't necessarily encouraged anymore. Not since the attacks started a year ago. No one knows what changed, people just started disappearing and reappearing mauled to bits and pieces. My mother being one of their victims. People even stopped going out at night, especially on full moons, too many had died as it is, and nobody wanted to risk their lives. Well, everyone except Chelsea. I could never get why people don't just abandon the town and move to a safer place though, but I have every intention of leaving and never looking back. It was only a matter of time now. After two years of working and saving literally every penny, I could finally meet my dad half way and go to college. Do better than this God forsaken town. “What the hell happened to your face! You look like s**t!” the snarky voice of Kristen, the newest hire, greeted me the second I entered the kitchen. “Are you alright dear, you don't look well. Do you need the day off?” Judy's sweet voice asked with concern, making me smile at her. “No Judy, I'm okay” I said to the sweet old lady that absolutely refused to retire and let her sexy grandson run this place. “Are you sure dear? You know I'd never deny you a day to yourself” she smiled, her wrinkles looking so much prettier, even though they hid her pretty blue eyes. “I'm certain Judy, I really am okay” I said, tying my apron around my waste to help her prep for the morning rush. The morning was so busy that I had to leave the kitchen and wait the tables and work the counter. It wasn't anything unusual, Judy's diner was the place to be and everyone knew it. And it wasn't even because it was the only one in town, the food here was incredible. You could just taste the love Judy put in it. The rush eventually died down and our lunch hour finally rolled up. And boy was I starving! I wasn't mad at Chelsea anymore, just annoyed. Yes, I knew she frequently went to these parties but she never asked me to go with her knowing how I feel about them. Until recently of course, where she'd mention a party and ask if I wanted to go and I'd just decline, it never escalated like this morning. Getting my usual blueberry shake to go with whatever my dad made for lunch, I quickly made it to one of the empty booths at the back of the diner. Judy didn't mind us sitting inside as long as we weren't taking up space for her customers. I knew it was only a matter of time before Chelsea joined. The thought making me roll my eyes and focus on my food until she pushed a slice of chocolate cake in front of me. “Lousy apology” I muttered under my breath but I knew she heard me. “I know, and I'm so sorry” she said, taking her seat across me. “You were right, I don't know how you feel and I shouldn't have said those things knowing how you feel about… everything. There's just things you don't know and I wish you did, and maybe one day you will, only then will you understand” she said, sighing as she looked up at who I knew for sure was my brother. “Understand what” he asked, sitting next to her. “Nothing” I said, wanting to put the whole thing argument behind me. We always had lunch together on Fridays since they got out early. “You ready for the game tonight?” Chelsea asked Aiden, who gave her a big smile. “I think we all know the answer to that” Jason, Aiden's friend, said as he sat beside me, putting his hand on the back of the couch behind me to lean in closer. “Hey sweetheart” Jason greeted me, giving me that dazzling smile of his. “Hey baby” I said leaning closer to him, to which he responded by licking his lips and looking down at mine, hunger evident in his eyes. “Kiss her at your own risk” Aiden warned, making both Chelsea and I laugh. “Come on man, you know I won't break her heart” Jason whined, making Aiden raise a brow. “Courtney, Miranda, Sasha and Cammy, all in the span of two months. I will break your teeth if you try that s**t with my sister” Aiden said, shaking his head as he ate from Chelsea's plate. “Jazmine is special, she's the only one who can tame me” he said, making me shake my head and laugh. “Anyway, have y'all heard the latest pack news?” Jason asked, making my ears twitch. “What'd you hear?” Chelsea asked, throwing a quick look at me. “There's a new Alpha coming to town” he said, causing unsettling feelings to stir. “Great, more of them” I said, low enough so the wolves in the diner wouldn't hear.

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