Chapter Six-2

2264 Words

BUT, EVEN WITHOUT MEDIA involvement, between them, Hanks and Tim Smales had discovered a few interesting sightings of Adrienne Staveley with different men locally. One of them, from the description, sounded like Gary Oldfield, but the other one was an unknown. It wasn’t Michael Peacock because he had a shock of fair hair and the other man had been described as having curly dark brown hair and an earring. Sounded like a pikey —or a traveller, as Llewellyn had translated. Rafferty had told the pair to keep trying. Meanwhile, Rafferty and Abra’s wedding date was drawing closer. Abra was becoming increasingly anxious that they’d have to postpone that or the honeymoon, and Rafferty, bogged down in a case that seemed to be going nowhere, found it more and more difficult to reassure her. ‘Why d

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