Anger Management

1499 Words
It’s been quite a while since he was finally at peace… From the moment he passed the test, when he surprisingly managed to tie the fight with the house champion, where both throw their uppercuts, knocking out both of them…. “Congratulation, Aaron…. You are one of us, now…” Said Dorian, shaking the man’s hand, still feeling the pain from the freshly tattooed barcode on his left forearm, marking him as the property of the Manor…. “One day, I will free myself from this hellhole…” He said towards the younger man, who smirked and nodded to him…. And for quite a while, he was determined on his goal, that he would save his winning to buy his freedom, until one day, at the winning ceremony, Aaron once again had to look at Ameena, sluttier with every celebration the Manor held for their victories… His guilt turned to anger, as with every victory he had, he tried to reach for Ameena, who cynically looked before him, seductively walked towards the barracks where she, with other girls who were already pleasing the soldiers stationed there…. She was lost to you… That sentence from Dorian stabs him. Every moment he saw how Ameena turned out to be a completely different person than the one he used to know…. “You’ve been drinking too much, brother….” Said Dorian as he was standing next to him at the celebration, wearing his Toga Pretexta after he had returned to the Manor, on the day of his first victory at the game….. Arron looked at the man through the corner of his eyes, and gulped another cup full of wine and was ready to refill his cup when Dorian said to him… “There are other methods you can use to release your anger and stress, you know…?” Aaron grunted, yet he put his cup on the table, looking at the girl he used to know, to love, turning to be the house slut that is used by any man in the house, except himself, and the masters, since Ameena still looking at him with anger and even mockery, still blaming him for what happened to her… He really wanted to get drunk, but realizes that disobedience was not tolerated in the manor…. During his training, he found out that his defiance always met with lashes of the rattan rod from the drillmaster, and if he tried to defy the rules more, he ended up being punished in the small cages placed at the corner of the training field, next to the bucket where the rest of the fighters used to relieve the content of their bladder, which they gladly do, and to add to his punishment, Dorian, too will be placed on the cage next to him…. I can’t have others to suffer for my emotions… He thought, as he gradually accepted his fate, besides, Dorian, more than once stood up for him, like one instance where he lost his control during one training session against the champion of the house, and used dirty brawl technique he usually used during his youth, and he almost crippled the champ… “He almost crippled our best fighter, Master Jacob!” Shouts the drillmaster as the four of them were present in the study room overseeing the training field…. “We should break his limbs as punishment, and throw him to feed the animals!” Aaron was about to jump at the drillmaster when Dorian calmly put his hand on his shoulder, and then spoke…. “He must be punished, yes….!” Said Dorian, who made Aaron shoot his angry gaze towards him…. “But then again, apologies Master Jacob, but isn’t it true that during the fight in the arena, no barrels were held….?” Aaron was surprised that Dorian called his father by his title…. He then thinks that the young man's action was due to his position, which was now equal to the fighters, which was caused by him…. And that gave him the guilt…. “There are rules, and we must uphold the rules!” said the drillmaster, stating his objection. “And apologies drillmaster, Master Jacob, the fact in the arena shows that we are among the few that still upholds the rules, and that already costs us our fighters….” The drillmaster gave the young man the stabbing gaze, but still managed to keep his composure…. “So, what did you suggest, Dorian….?” Asked Jacob wisely…. “Better we ready ourselves, Master Jacob, better we learn how to counter those dirty moves and tricks, so we can cut our losses….” The drillmaster tried to object, but he saw that it would mean noting when Jacob nodded his head as he was thinking about the solution given by his son…. At the end of the day, their ransom was cut in half and their training doubled for about two weeks, but eventually, the fighters trained to deal with the dirty moves, which Aaron has to pay by becoming their test dummy…. **** Aaron was still grunting, so eager to either disappear from the hall, or drink himself, than to look at the sluttiness shown by Ameena when he heard Dorian shout…. “Accountant…!” Aaron watched the man hurry himself towards the young master, accompanied by the rest of the lady escorts…. “Yes, Master Dorian? Can I offer you anything?” Said the man, obviously kissing the young master, making Aaron turn his gaze in disgust…. “Did all our champions pick their prizes and pleasures…?” “They have, my Master, they are all happy with their pick…” He said… “And then why does this one stand here, drinking himself like crazy…? Did you offer him this prize…?” Aaron turned his gaze and saw the Accountant's face was pale, sweats on his forehead…. “Ah, yes, ummm…. He… Just beginner luck from what I heard…” he said. That makes Aaron raise his body, now his muscles are getting bigger and toned better than before, that makes the accountant paler and frightened…. “So, he did not win…. Is that what you are saying…? That we are blessed with the presence of the ghost of our fallen fighter….?” Asked Dorian, that makes the accountant stammer blubbering something unclear…. “A… Apologies Master Jacob….” He said finally, and turned towards Aaron… “Uuum… Mo… Money or Pleasure…?” He asked reluctantly, avoiding the gaze of the fighter… “Give him his prize money, accountant, and you should pay for the pleasure….” Said Aaron, who stunned both men, looking at him…. Aaron looked at the young master in disbelief, while the accountant looked at the young master with defeat on his face. “You may skim, accountant, but never, ever cheat on us….” He whisperers in the ear of the accountant whose face was pale like a dead body, trying so hard to swallow.... He was sweating profusely.... Dorian then looked at one of the escort ladies whose face was not that pretty but pleasant to look at, and was looking shy…. He then whispered in Aaron’s ear…. “She will be checked thoroughly, and if she is found to be failing in her task, you know what will happen to her…” Aaron gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists, but trying to hold his anger…. Dorian then tapped the man on his shoulder and said… “Go and unleash your anger, my friend….” **** It was the next morning when the curtain that functions as the door of a small room, only two by three meters, with one simple bed lying on the floor, known as the pleasure room among the fighters, was open… Aaron was groggy at first and then remembered and rushed to grab the sheet next to him, covering his nakedness, that made the naked body of the escort next to him exposed…. “Rise and shine, brother” Said Dorian, standing at the doorway…. “Time to train…” he said, giving the man a naughty smile as he saw the man rush to get dressed as the escort shyly covered her naked body with the sheet tossed by the man…. “Did he satisfy you…?” Dorian asked suddenly, which made the escort's face redden with embarrassment, but biting her lower lips, trying to conceal her smile, she then nodded…. Dorian laughs as he accompanied the grunting fighter towards the training field…. “So, did you enjoy your anger management therapy…?” He asked playfully towards Aaron…. “f**k you….!” Said the man, obviously embarrassed at the question despite the fact that he remembered completely how wild his night was, and grateful, knowing that the girl would surely, out of punishment. “Yeah, your welcome…” Said Dorian, smiling as he went inside the manor, as the fighter trained hard as if the last night was nothing but a dream….
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