Price to Pay

1550 Words
“Ah…. The dead, awakes….” Disoriented at first…. The young man saw an unfamiliar face above him…. He saw the figure wearing a white lab coat over his light blue hem, who then stood up, and turned towards the man in the tunic… “How is he… Doctor?” The man asked…. “He’ll live…” The doctor said, his hand in the pocket of his khaki pants, as he tilted up and down a bit on his slip-on shoes covering his feet. “But you have purchased a slave that will not be good for you to use for about two weeks…. It’s not like you, Master Jacob….” The doctor said that made the Master smile weakly and said, “And you don’t have Dorian as your child, doctor…” The young man forwards his gaze towards his surroundings…. He was lying on top of a cot in a ward, where he saw more cots presents, some were empty, and some were carrying sleeping people on them…. People that wore simple tunics to cover their bodies, people that he realizes, looking at the iron collar on their necks, were house slaves…. Then he saw two of the three girls that were captured along with him…. They were looking fresh…. They obviously had been cleaned, given the same tunic the other slaves wear, and the collars that now attached to their neck…. The girls were sitting on one of their cots. One of them was sobbing while the other one, the mature one, was trying to comfort her friends…. I have to get out of here…! I have to get them out of here… he thought, and suddenly jumped out of his cot, ran towards the girls… “Come on! Run!” He shouted and pulled the surprised girl, who stammered as they ran behind the young man, straight past Jacob and the doctor which fell to the floor, looking at the escaping slaves…. But their escape was cut short as they ran through the arch of the door…. The young man struggled, fighting as hard as he could, while the three girls froze, frightened to see their savior beaten mercilessly by the guards… “Halt!” shouted Jacob, who stopped the beating of the young man now lying on the floor of the ward, bleeding again from his mouth and nose…. “First, he has to pay…” Said Jacob sternly, looking at the young man…. His voice was so chilling, that it made one of the female slaves, the one who earlier comforted her two friends, run and crouch before the man's feet…. “Oh Master, please… please… spare his life…” She begged, kissing his foot, tears on her cheeks… “Kyaaaa…” She shouts as Jacob kicked her, making the girl fall on her bottom on the floor… “Know your place, slave!” shouted Jacob angrily, as the girl crouched back to his feet, and kept on begging “Eaaarggghh… Let her go! Aaaggghhh!” Shout the young man, still trying to help the girl, which ends up with him being beaten once again by the guards. Jacob’s brow furrowed…. He could see the worth of the young man, his son Dorian saw…. But still there is a price to pay, and punishment to be delivered…. “Are you two an item….?” Jacob asked towards the girl on his feet…. Jacob could see how the young man's face, despite the blood, filled with anger, while the young girl’s face turned pale, as if she knew where the question might lead…. “Get up…!” He said with authority in his voice that made the girl tremble as she stood in front of the man, face down, afraid to see the man, with her nervous hand clenching in front of her…. “I see that you are eager to save him…. Is he that important to you…?” Jacob asked, who had no answer from the girl, as the young man tried to wriggle out from the clench of the guards…. “Is he that important to you!?” asked Jacob, raising his voice this time, which made the girl answer with fear…. “Y… Yes, M… Master…. H… He is…” “No, Ameena… No… Uuugghhh!” shouted the young man helplessly, which cut him short with a sharp punch to his jaw…. Jacob nodded a little, then said…. “What would you do, to have him not be executed….?” He asked, still with an authoritative voice…. He could see the girl's body tremble, but no answer came from her lips as the young man tried so hard to free himself. Jacob gestured with his chin towards one of the guards who unsheathed his sword, pressed the jugular of the young man… “No Master! No…!” Shout the girl, once again crouching before the man’s feet, begging for the life of the young man… “Whatever you want, Master! Whatever you want!” She pleaded, with tears on her face…. The sword was removed from the young man’s throat, leaving a trail of blood from the place where the blade was pressed, as the girl gets up once again from the order of Jacob…. “Remove yourself from your clothing….” Shock was obvious in the faces of the girl and the young man who then shouted. “Let her go…! Punish me…! Punish me….!” He screams. “Your choice….” Said Jacob with a low, intimidating voice to the girl. “Release her! Please…. I’ll serve! I’ll be your slave…! Release her…!” The young man screamed as he tried so hard to free himself, as he saw the crying girl trembling as she removed the belt on her waist, and with trembling hands, then undoing the knot on her one shoulder tunic…. Anger and frustration filled the very heart of the young man as she saw the girl sobbing…. He could see the short breath and sniggers from the guard as the naked back side of the girl was visible to them…. Jacob nodded approvingly as he saw the firm, naked, young body of the girl. Her plump breast was tempting, her stomach was flat, and her waist was thin… “Turn around….” He ordered, which made the crying girl turn herself in shame and feel degraded, so now her smooth back, narrow waist, proportional wide hip, and roundness of her buttocks were visible to the man, while she avoided the lustful gaze of the guards…. “Please! Master…. I beg you…!” shouted the young man, begging the girl not to be degraded more than what she has to endure right now…. “You have not yet earned the title of my slave! Boy, and yet you dare to attack me! There is a law to uphold, a punishment to be delivered, and a price to pay!” He barked towards the young man and said… “Take her to the barracks! Keep her there for three days!” He shouts the order that makes two of the guards quickly come to the girl… “Kyaaa… Please master…..! Please….!” She begged, screaming as she was dragged towards the barracks of the troops protecting the manor, terror and horror obviously shows on her face… “Release her…! Kill me…! Kill me instead you bastard!” The young man shouted, trying to struggle… “Ungrateful son of a b***h!” Said Jacob in a stern voice as he knelt on one knee next to the young man, pulling his hair, so his angry and watery eyes met his own cold icy gaze…. “Killing you is easy, you need to know the price for your action, to know your place…. And what you have just said, cost you dearly…..” He said, leaving the young man, and closing towards the other two girls who hugged each other in terror…. “Please… Please master, please… Take me instead… Please” One of them begged, quickly removing her clothing, revealing her nice, young body, before clenching her arm tighter around the other girl, about one year younger than her, having resemblances that showed that they were sisters…. Jacob said to the older girl with a low voice…. “Blame it on him…” That’s all he said, as he looked towards another house slave, presents during the whole event and said, “Bring her to my chamber…..” “Go, release your anger on him…. He’s the one that makes your sister have to pay….” Said Jacob to the naked girl’s ear, who makes her screams like crazy as she runs and then kicks and beats the young man. “You’re an asshole! You doomed us! You are no savior…! You are nothing!” She screamed her anger, spitting at the young man’s face who was stricken dumb, feeling the guilt, his heart beating hard he can hear the loud drumming of his beating heard on his ears, deafening him…. What he could only hear was… Well…. And then he feels his limp, defeated body dragged by the armpit, away from the naked, crying girl, kneeling on the floor, hand palming her tears-filled face, while another slave comforts her before taking her back to the ward…. ****
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