Cᴀʜʟᴛᴇʀ 2

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Jungkook's Pov: Once he is gone, i walk to the man lying on the floor, i squat and pulled harshly his collar, he tried to fight back but he is too weak compared to me. "If i see you again near him or even spare a glance at him, i swear you will regret breathing the same air with me!" I gave him another punch and blood flaws from his mouth. I release his collar causing his back to fell from the ground. Im starting to walk when i heard hum chuckle, i swear if ibdidn't hear Alex i already separate his head from his body. "Clean your hand, before someone can see you." Namjoon throws a wet towel to me. I catches it and quickly wipe his disgusting blood to my hands.  We all went back to our classroom. Namjoon and Jin along with  Hosrok are in their last year of collage. As i enter our room, my eyes search for my mate, Taehyung and i felt relief seeing him sitting. I walk between the other student when Jisoo stand infront of me. "Babe" she wrapped her hand around my left hand. I stare at him with disgust, and i saw a glint of shock to her eyes but then she didnt remove he hand to me. "Are you okay?" I heard Jimin ask Taehyung. "Yes. And thanks anyways for earlier." He replied and as soon as i reach my sit behind him, my body calms just smelling his scent. "You, can you sit at that side." I glared at Jisoo. Taehyung didn't say anything, he start picking his things and stand up. "Sit." I sternly said and he turn to look at me. Then he turn around again and moves away at the other side where next to Jimim. I swear, there is something in him, and i really need to find what is it. I saw Jisoo gather his things and sit where Taehyung leaves. "What do you think you are doing?" I spat angrily to Jisoo. "Is it wrong to sit near my boyfriend?" Some students near us look at our direction. "Boyfriend? When did i become your boyfriend?" I ask clenching my jaw. Jisoo stand and face me. "Are we not?" She ask in amusement. I chuckled, "No. And will never gonna happen. And stop showing infront of me!" I spat, annoyed that Taehyung witness all this. Its not like he cares anyway. Jisoo glared at me and averted his eyes to where my eyes directed. "So..." she walked towards where Taehyung is, i watch her and she stop infront of him. "Is he the reason?" She said. Taehyung keep his his head looking down at his note, ignoring the fact that he is in trouble. Jisoo is not a ordinary girl, shes a vampire too. "Look at me b***h!" She shouted. Its a normal scene to everyone in the room, they know how b***h she is, except for Liam who was just new here. "Can you stop picking at him?!" Jimin glared. And before she can say anything, the teacher came and i sigh. "Stop what ever you are thinking, Jisoo." I said in deep voice. She ignored me and while the teacher is busy talking, my eyes are focus to where he is. "Your fangs, hide it!" I cursed at Jimin internally. I know he's teasing me. "Okay, now i will group you, you need to conduct a experiment and you have a month to finish it." I snap when i heard it. How i want to be in Tae's group. "Pick one paper from here and after, find your group." The the teacher start walking and let us pick a number. After some minutes we all have a number, i look at Jimin and i smile when i notice him with same number. "What's yours?" Jimin ask Tae. And before i can hear him, i was a bit startled... "Jungkook, were in same group." Jisoo exclaimed when he grab the paper from my hand. Oh, why her? I said to myself. "Okay, now go to your own group members." The teacher said again. I saw Jimin walks towards us and im impatiently waiting for Taehyung to stand from his sit, expecting him to be in my group. "Dont worry, he is with us." A smile form from my lips as Jimin whispered to me. "Mr. Kim?" The teacher called him and he look infront. "Is there any problem, Mr. Kim?" I frowned and look at him again. "Can i..can i just do the experiment by myself sir?" My mouth open in disbelief. The teacher stare at him in surprise. Jimin nuzzled his elbow at my side while other student stare at him. "Its impossible to do it alone, Mr. Kim?" The teacher told him. "I know you're not used to be in group, but you need to associate with others, Mr. Kim." He explains softly. I saw him sigh and i smile when he start gathering his things and walk towards us. I heard Jisoo cursed but i ignored it. What is important to me now is that the fact that he is with me closer. "Okay, class dismiss. You may want to discuss your project with each other." Just like that and our class ended. We start discussing it when i notice Tae looking at his watch. "Im sorry but i need to go to my other class." Taehyung said after thirthy minutes. I frown. "You mean you have another class?" Jimin blurted. "Yes. Im really sorry but i need to go." And he dash out. "Good he's gone." Jisoo muttered. "I thought we all have same class." I said and Jimin look at me. "Lets continue this to your house Kook tomorrow."  Jimin said when he notice im getting irritated to Jisoo. Without saying anything, i pick my bag and books and walk leaving a pissed Jisoo. We are near at the gate when i saw the dean. I walk fast toward her. "Excused me ma'am." "Oh yes, Mr. Jeon? Any thing you need?" She ask, she's in her fifties. Her long hair was curled up like a bum on tip of his head, and she wear a eyeglasses. "Mr. Jeon?" "Oh, im sorry. Its about Kim Taehyung.." "The transfer student? What about him? Did he do something wrong in your class?" She bombered me with questions. "No, no, no...Mrs. Lee. Im just curious about him, he seems younger than us." I said not really sure if what im blabbering. I heard Jimin laugh behind me. "Your right. He was selected by his former university and escalated to 3rd year instead of second year." My mouth form a 'o'  shape. "If you want to know him very well, you should talk to him, Mr. Jeon" And after that i thank him and bow before leaving us. And again, i can smell that sweet lavander rose, i start sniffing until i found myself near the library. "Can you stop sniffing,Kook." Jimin said behind me. "I cant control myself, his scent driving me crazy and his blood making me want to bit him." I replied as my eyes staring at the blue haired boy who just told us earlier that he has a class to attend. "But why is he here? He said he has a class?" Jimin ask when he saw him trailing his index through the books. And he was a bit startled when he saw us. I can sense a guilt from him. Did he just lie to us? But why? What is with him that he wants to be alone always? ༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄
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