Chapter 4

1727 Words
Taehyung's Pov: My hand start to tremble after the call. I slid my phone at my pocket, i hate to meet him bit i cant do anything else. I pick my tray of food and and stood, walking towards the canteen door. Trying to calm my trembling body. After setting aside the tray, i quickly went at the place he told me. I look around and is a old building inside the vicinity of the campus. But its empty. Nobody is here, and nobody will gonna help me if he want to kill me here. I close my eyes and i was startle when someone behind me spoke. "Finally, your here baby." He said with a menacing voice. I shivered in disgust hearing him call me that pet name. "What you want?" I asked, trying to cover my fear. He step closer and i step back. I flinch when he touches my cheeks. "You know what i want baby." He said trailing his finger to my jaw. I hated myself for being weak and cant fight for myself. I may be happy around my eomma or at our home, but deep within me is a dark secret that i cant even share to my eomma. I dont want to drag her in this. And as long as i can endure it, i will protect her. "f**k you! And i swear, i f*****g regret the day that i met you!!!" I shouted at him. He just smirk evilish, staring at me. I hate the day i met him. I really hate that f*****g day. Of only i had the magic to return at the past, i will surely chose not to believe in him. I chuckle internally tobwhat bulshit im thinking. Magic? Oh come on, theres no such thing. I dont even believe in destiny or soulmate, so how should i believe in supernatural, that why i even hate watching movies which includes vampire or wolves. "Nobody is here to help you, baby. I told you, you are mine! I was brought to reality when ibheard his voice. And i felt a harsh touch to my lips just when i realised that this mother fucker kiss me. I tried to wiggled and push him but i failed, until i felt my a*s fell from the ground, and i groan in pain. "f**k you! Who are you to touch what is mine!" I heard someone and all i see is him punching the guy unstoppable. "Jeon! Stop that you bastard!" I heard the other but i dont know from whom. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I flinch and push the guy who has a blond hair. "I-im fine." I replied then stand on my on, ignoring a hand reaching me. "Are you okay?" The guy who punch senseless ask me. "Yeah, thanks and i need to go. Thank you again." I said bowing then without wasting a second, i walk away from them. I shredder when i still felt tge disgusting touch to my face. I went to the bathroom and wash my face, rubbing a soap then rinse with water again and again. I look at my reflection to the mirror, when i saw a glimpse of my eyes change its color. I blink for many times to confirm it, but when i saw its normal color, i thought of maybe im just hungry, the fact i didnt finish my food earlier. I pull a tissue that was hanged and wipe my face. I fix myself and took a deep breath before exiting the bathroom. I walk fast when i realised its almost time for the my next class. "Are you okay?" The guy with blond hair ask again when the enter the room. "Yes. And thanks anyways for earlier." I replied just giving a glance to him, and moving myself away a bit when he want to touch me. "You, can you sit at that side." A girl told me, and to avoid anything else, i start picking my things and stand and before i cant make a step, the guy behind me spoke. "Sit." He said, his voice in dangerously deep and low and i just turn to look at him. Then turn around again and moves away at the other side where the blond guy sits. "What do you think you are doing?" I heard him say to the girl. "Is it wrong to sit near my boyfriend?" I even notice some student look at their direction but i didn't bother to look at them. Thats their business,not mine. "Boyfriend? When did i become your boyfriend?" "Are we not?" She ask in amusement. "No. And will never gonna happen. And stop showing infront of me!" I dont know but i hate listening to their bickering. Im just looking at my notes, not even realising someone is infront of me. "Is he the reason?" I heard her and i know she's talking about me,yet i my head looking down at my note, ignoring her. "Look at me b***h!" She shouted and i raised my head to look at her blankly. "Can you stop picking at him?!" The blond guy beside me spat on her. But before she can say anything, the professor entered. "Okay, now i will group you, you need to conduct a experiment and you have a month to finish it." Oh how i hate this group experiment. Dont blame me, im just used doing my experiment alone in my previous school. "Pick one paper from here and after, find your group." The the teacher start walking and let us pick a number. After some minutes we all have a number, i stare at the number i pick. "What's yours?" The blond guy ask, i look at him and just show him the paper. He smiled at me and he showed me his. I felt a bit relieve when i saw we are in same group but i still had the hesitation to join them. I saw the other moving to their groups and i just sit still,not moving a bit. "Mr. Kim?" The teacher called and i look at him. "Is there any problem, Mr. Kim?" He asked, and i stand to ask him a favor. "Can i..can i just do the experiment by myself sir?" I said a bit nervous. I can really fo it alone jusy that i need his permision. The teacher stare at me in surprise. And even the whole class look at my direction, maybe thinking that im insane for asking it. "Its impossible to do it alone, Mr. Kim." The teacher told me. "I know you're not used to be in group, but you need to associate with others, Mr. Kim" He explains softly. I sigh and i start gathering my things and walk towards to where my group is. I was a bit shock when i saw my group, the blond guy and the guy who punch the other earlier, and the girl who claimed him to be his girlfriend. I saw the girl glaring at me, the more she hates me in this group is the more i hate too. So its a mutual feeling. "Okay, class dismiss. You may want to discuss your project with each other." Just like that and our class ended. "By the way, before we start, let me introduce myself, im Jimin, Park Jimin." The blond guy said. He leaned his hand to me but i just smile in return. He then awkwardly pull his hand. "Jeon Jungkook." I stared at him and i dont know why but i felt my heart beat fast. He smiled at me, leaning his hand forward but as like earlier, i just press a timid smile to him. "This is Jisoo." Jimin introduce when she didnt dare to talk and i even dont care also. "You know my name already so no need for me to tell again." I said, i dont like to sound rude but i guess the way i say it is rude to them. Theres a awkward silence and Jimin fake a cough and told us to discuss about the experiment. We start discussing it and i kept looking at his watch. "Im sorry but i need to go to my other class." I lied to them. I just really cant stand the way he stared at me. "You mean you have another class?" Jimin blurted. "Yes. Im really sorry but i need to go." And pick my bag before dashing outside the room. I dont really have another class, i lied to them. I dont know why but i cant stand the way Aiden look at me. As if he was reading me and can see through me. I kept walking for almost less than five minutes until i found myself inside the library. I smile seeing many books, library is a place for me to calm down and think. I love reading books, i trailed my finger at the books when suddenly i caught a familiar figure not so far from where i am. I can see a frown to Jimin's face and a disappointment at Jungkook's face. I felt guilty lying to them. I tried to look away but its too late, they are coming near me. My mind is telling me to walk away but my damn feet dont want to cooperate. Like it was glued on the ground. Both stare at me and the guilt inside me uprise. "Dont touch me." I step back when i saw Jungkook tried to hold me. He was surprise and retract his hand away. "Are you okay, Taehyung?" Jimin asked, staying to where he is. "Im sorry, but please dont touch me." I said and i saw both of them frown. "Im sorry." I look at Jungkook and saw his sincerity. "No, its okay. Its the way, thank you again for earlier." I told them and both smile. "If you dont mind, can i leave now?" I said and they bod saying nothing. I walk away to them and just decided to go home. Good thing is that we dont have anymore class. I reach the gate and walk towards my car, i open it and enter inside. I sigh before starting the engine and drive away. Its a bad start of my school day. I thought.
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