Chapter 10

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Taehyung woke up by the sounds around him. He slowly opens his eyes, blink it for few times before looking around. He figure out that he was not in his room, instead he was in a hospital. He was a bit startle when someone suddenly spoke. "Are you okay, Tae?" Taehyung look at his left side, he saw his classmate Jimin with worried eyes. Taehyung move up and sit, his back leaning against the head board of the hospital bed. "Yeah, im okay. Thanks for asking." Taehyung replied. Both look at the door direction when it suddenly open in a little harsh, revealing a rushing Jihyun. "Oh my go, are you okay?" Jihyun asked worriedly. Checking Taehyung intently. "Eomma, im okay. Dont worry." Taehyung smile.  Buy Jihyun was not convince. Jimin fake a cough and both look at him. "She's my mother,, eomma his Jimin my...friend?" Taehyung said not really sure if he can say that their friend. "Park Jimin, mam." Jimin leans forward his hand and Jihyun smile at him, shaking the hand of the younger one. "Vampire." Jihyun sniff and Jimin can sense too that the person infront of him is not an ordinary person. "You're guts is correct, im a vampire witch." Jihyun said before pulling their hands. Jimin was about to speak when his other friends came inside. "You're all vampires." Jihyun told them once they inside. She recognised them all, they were the one with Jungkook 17 years ago. But it seems that they didn't recognised her and she dont want them to know about Taehyung...for now. "Eomma, they are all..." Taehyung pause, he doesn't know what should he call them, and Jin being the observant one notice it. "We're all Taehyung friend." He said, introducing their own. "A witch...a vampire witch." Namjoon said. They were all lost in staring to each other while Taehyung just watch their silent interaction. "Taehyung..." "Are you okay now?" Taehyung ask, making the others look at him without him realising it. Like he was all alone in the room. "Thank to moon goddess thqt she didn't let V control you. Are you okay?" Taehyung was smiling, "Hm and thank you for helping me. By the way, i still dont know your name. Its not like i can always calk you, wolfie?" Taehyung chuckle at his own words. "Wolfie?" Jimin blurted out making Taehyung flinch a bit. Just then reality hit him that there are people...oh no..there are vampires around him. "You're a werewolf?" Jin asked, with a smile. Taehyung awkwardly smile at them and then he felt a hand stroking his back. "But wait, how come we never realised or notice it." Hoseok asked, but his eyes catches the bracelet of Taehyung. "Yeah, because of this." Taehyung said, raising his left hand showing them. "I thi--- "Finally you came." Jihyun playfully glared at the one who enters the room, and all of them directed their eyes to the girl who just entered. "If i didn't feel it, i would never come and just wait for you to bring him to me." The girl said, bow a little bit to Taehyung. And Taehyung is a bit shock why someone is bowing before him. "Eomma?" Taehyung whispered to his mother who was still sitting beside him on the bed while his eyes not leaving the girl a meter away from the bed. Jihyun look at the vampires who seems knows the identity of the girl. "Taehyung, she's Lida. One of the most powerful witch and your other guardian." "Really?" Taehyung exclaimed. Lisa chuckle a bit, she notice that the younger boy infront of her started to have a connection to his inner one. "Its been a long time, Lis." Namjoon muttered with a smile. "Yeah, and im not surprised that all of you are here. Its just that..." Lisa pause a bit, her eyes like searching for someone. "He's not here. That dickhead said he's busy." Namjoon answered the unspoken question of the witch. Taehyung felt like his heart was struck with arrow knowing that Jungkook is avoiding him. And Lisa along with Jihyun felt his sadness. Thats one of their connection, as Taehyung guardian, they can feel his sadness but not his pain. As his guardian, they can mindlink him,, buy cant read his inner thoughts. And once Taehyung was in flame, they cant even touch him. Both witch and vampires would be burned or even dies once they were in fire, but Taehyung case as an elemental hybrid, he has the ability to control the power of fire. "He never change." Lisa said, bringing Taehyung out from his thought. He then move closer to Taehyung, staring at the bracelet she gave the first time he saw him in a dangerous situation. "I think we should go now and let you have your time with him." Jin muttered, he knows there's something between the three and even if he wants to know it, its not their intention to interrupt. "We'll see you tomorrow at school Tae." Jin added smiling at the younger. "Thanks hyung." Taehyung smile realising how he called the other. All bid their goodbyes and they exited the room. "Lisa?" "I guess your wolf told you. You did a good job, Tae." Lisa smiled at him. "So, i guess you also already know everything about you." "Yeah, i guess." Taehyung felt comfortable talking with her. "We just need to help you how you can control V." Jihyun said too. Taehyung sigh deeply without realising it. He felt a calming pat at his shoulder, he look up and saw Lisa smiling at him. "Dont worry, you have an undeniable powerful guardians." She said chucking, making the situation light up. Yeah its true, having a vampire witch and powerful witch as guardian would definitely help Taehyung. "I hope so." He pouted. "So, when are you ready to be trained?" Lisa asked, sitting at the empty chair beside the table, while Jihyun left them for a while to pay the bill. "Hm, on weekend. I still have class tomorrow and..." Lisa stare at him. "I have to do a group experiment with them. And to be honest i really dont want to be in their group." Taehyung pouted and Lisa even feel his discomfort. "Need help?" She smile, winking at him making Taehyung chuckle."Dont worry, leave it to me." She added and Taehyung even though he doesn't know what his guardian would do, he jumps from his bed and hug her,making Lisa startle a bit but soon respond in a hug too. " jealous." Both look at the door and laugh, gesturing the other to join them. ~~~~ Another day, and Taehyung was peacefully sitting beside Jimin in their room. The room was filled with tension when Jisoo came inside, glaring at the direction of Taehyung. Jimin notice it and he just shook his head. He then averted his gaze at the back row, where Jungkook silently sitting. He doesn't know what happen why all of the sudden, Jungkook seems uncomfortable. "Are you sure you're okay?" Jimin whisper at Taehyung who was busy reading his notes. He just nod his head and look infront when their professor enters. He then imidiately start their lesson and after almost an hour, he averted his eyes at Taehyung direction. " your group experiment, Mr. Kim you can do it by your own." Their professor said after some of their lessons. The whole class gasped not believing it. "But sir, he cant do it alone." Jimin interrupt. "Thank you sir." Taehyung said bowing before sitting back. Jungkook who seems so lost even dont know why the professor suddenly let Taehyung do the experiment alone. He felt a sudden pain in his heart. While Jisoo smirk in victory. The morning class went smoothly to those humans but a thick tension between the vampires. The bell rings for their lunch break and Jimin drag Taehyung to join them in their table before the other can even reject it. "How are you feeling?" Jin asked Tqehyung once they were seated. "Feel better hyung. Thank you again." Taehyung smiled. While Jimin was at the counter bringing his food along with the food of Taehyung. He told Jin to not let the other leave their table. Namjoon was busy taking his and Jin food also, while Suga has already sitting at the table with his food. Hoseok lined to get his too with Jungkook who stays silent the whole time. Namjoon sits at the right side of Jin, while Jimin and Suga sits beside each other. Hoseok at the left side of Taehyung and the only available sit was at Taehyung infront. So Jungkook sit there, right infront of Taehyung. They all eat while talking but theres something that catches their attention. "Jeon, seems your being too silent recently. Is there any problem?" Jin asked. Jungkook didn't say a thing to them about Taehyung. He even didn't know what happen yesterday because no one told him. "No. Im okay." He replied and once in a while he keeps on glancing at Taehyung who just keep eating, not even raising his head once since he sit infront of him. "Im done eating hyung, if you excuse me, i'll go first." Taehyung said, standing taking his tray. "Ah...okay." Jin just blurted. Jimin look at Taehyung then to Jungkook who stop his spoon midway to his mouth when Taehyung stand and walk away from their table. "You know something,right?" Jimin asked in a stern voice. "Look, first you said he's your mate. You were so excited when he is in our group experiment and suddenly this morning, he wont be with our group already, did you do something?" Jimin added, he was really pissed. Jungkook put down his spoon, clenching his jaw, his eyes turning to a shade of red. "Yah! There are humans around us, calm your f*****g self Jeon!" Hoseok voice in a bit raised. "You know what?" Jimin said, grabbing Jungkook hands and in a blink of an eye, both are standing outside the canteen already. "Whats wrong with you,huh?!" Jungkook said, seething his teeth. "Whats wrong with me? Oh f**k Jeon! Whats wrong with you?! What the f*****g hell is wrong with you?!" Jimin cant control his anger already. "I dont know if you know what had happen yesterday to him, Jeon. But you know what...nevemermind!" Jimin spat and before Jungkook could say anything, Jimin was already gone. Jungkook growled in annoyance. He pulled his hair harshly. He really didn't know what should he do. He felt guilty leaving Taehyung on that day after hearing he's an omega. Its not like he hates him, he was just shock knowing his mate is an elemental omega hybrid. And theres a fear inside him that occures knowing that being a vampire cant stand in fire, but his mate himself has the power of fire. "Is that the reason why Taehyung doesn't want anyone touching him? And what the hell happened yesterday?" Jungkook mumbled to himself. "I think you should really talk to him." A sudden voice disturbed him. "f**k hyung! You're giving me heart attack!" Jungkook said when Jin appears behind him. "By the way, Lisa is looking for you yesterday." Jin continued. "Noona? Why?" Jin just shrug his shoulder and in a while the others are walking towards them already. Jungkook start sniffing, he can smell his mate. The smell was strong indicating Taehyung was near at them. "Taehyung!" Jimin suddenly called, running towards the other. Bumping a bit to Jungkook shoulder. Jungkook watched the two smiled, he saw Taehyung move away when Jimin wants to hold or touch him. "Why dont you go and talk to him? We know Kook that you know something about him." Namjoon patted his shoulder. Jungkook sigh deeply, his eyes not leaving Taehyung who has a smile chatting with Jimin. "He's my mate, an elemental omega hybrid." Jungkook finally blurted out. "W-what?" They a said in unison. "Elemental omega? Is that even possible?" Hoseok gasped. Jungkook sigh again before humming. "Fire. He has the power to control fire, hyung." Jungkook continued and the other cant even believe it. "Oh my mean he is a threat to us, to vampires." Hoseok suddenly feel fear arouse inside of him. "Yes if he doesn't know how to control it. And if that happens, i will loose my mate, hyung. If his evil side takes control of him, i will definitely lost him." Jungkook voice c***k, his heart felt the sudden unbearable pain just thinking about loosing his mate. His hand suddenly slam his chest, clenching it making the others worry. "Jeon, are you okay?" Jin asked, moving forward. They were suddenly interrupted when Jimin screamed seeing Taehyung kneeling on his knees, clenching his chest. "Oh my god, Kook! Calm your f*****g self! Your mate is hurting too!" Jin yelled. "Namjoon help Taehyung!" He added pushing Namjoon a bit who was shock. Jungkook was clenching his jaw, still hand to his chest, trying his best to calm down. He close his eyes for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. He opens his eyes and widen it when he start seeing a light flame coming out from Taehyung. "Oh no no no...Taehyung!" Jungkook screamed in fear and run towards  his mate. Jimin was shock, totally shock that he cant even blink his eyes to what he was seeing. Jin runs behind Jungkook followed by Hoseok and Suga. "Taehyung! Damn it! Control your f*****g self!" Jungkook yelled, he's so worried that if this continued V would totally take his body and soul. "Oh my god, we need to do something. There are humans here and its not good if they saw Taehyung in this situation." Jin said worriedly. They are watching Taehyung nervously, they cant touch him. They cant even stand near him. But Jungkook was trying to come near him even though he can like his skin was going to burn already. " Lisa." Jimin suddenly muttered. Before they knew it, Lisa felt something was wrong, luckily she was still at the campus vicinity when she felt it. She was there earlier and talk to Taehyung professor about Taehyung project. She lured tha professor with her sweet voice and the other was hypnotized and without him realising, he agreed to what Lisa asked him. And before even they can call her, Lisa was already running towards Taehyung who was now having a flames around him. "Taehyung...calm down. Try to control your temper." Lisa said in a soft voice. "Noona..." Taehyung raised his head, looking at Lisa who was kneeling a meter away from him. But she was startle a bit when she saw an evil smirk and a changing color of red to purple on Taehyung eyes. "Oh my!" She yelled in a harshed voice. She then took her bag and open it, searching that thing that Primus gave her. Her hands quickly open the small bottle and she stood up from kneeling, she place it near Taehyung and in just for a few seconds, Taehyung looses his consciousness. Jungkook was about to run to catched Taehyung from falling from the ground but Lisa quickly grabbed him. "No! You will be burned!" "Damn it!" Jungkook cursed. Then students starts to get out the canteen, and they panic that someone saw what just had happen. "Dont worry, nobody sees." Suddenly someone came closer. "Jihyun?" Jungkook muttered and the other smile. Just then, they all realised that they were inside portal. "Om my...i cant believe this!" Suga muttered trying to touch the portal. Jihyun walk closer to Taehyung after some seconds then let his head lay to her lap. She gently stroke Taehyung cheek. "Im sorry baby." Jihyun whispered. "We need to go somewhere else. I really dont want to tell you about this bit i guess, each of you should know who he really is." Jihyun continued, her eyes still at Taehyung who seems sleeping in peace. "Taehyung... "Wolfie, what happened?" "V tried to take control of you again when he notice that you were in pain." The wolf replied. "Pain?" "Whatever our mate would feel, we could feel too. His sadness is ours, his happiness is ours and his pain is ours. Thats our connection to me. But your pain is yours alone, and thats the reason why V always wants you to be furious or sad so that he can totally control you." The wolf explained and Taehyung gets up, walking towards his wolf, caressing his soft fur. "Thank you for always fighting with me, wolfie." Taehyung said, leaning to kiss the head of his wolf. "Im Hansung." Taehyung hug him, letting the fur touch his body. He felt calm and relieve. "Thank you." "I will always be here for you, always to help and fight with you, Taehyung. You and me are one. And if ever you could control V, you would definitely get what you want and let those evil vampires punish and suffer for killing our parents." Hansung said, nudging his head at Taehyung neck. Taehyung suddenly raised his head, he knows that his parents died in a car accident. But this, told by his wolf makes him think that there's a possibility of it. "Dont worry Taehyung, everything will be alright." Taehyung felt a cold yet warm touch from his cheek. "Tae...wake up." 
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