Chapter 009

1250 Words
I hit my head in disbelief. Why did I have a friend as energetic and as confident as him? I’m supposed to live my life quietly. When Master Orson forced me to join the Scepter selection in my previous life, I agreed because I knew I would fail it anyway. I never thought I would be so lucky as to reach the finals before the current Ruler died. I’m not sure if it was really the Lemuel person who died, the brother to Meruem, as Master Orson mentioned. I never even bothered to remember his name because, at that time, I was too preoccupied with the selection.  Yes, I don’t want to be the Scepter, but Axel was there, and I thought, why not join it too, maybe I can impress him. I never did, except perhaps that time I saved his life. Maybe, just maybe, he finally thought that I was worthy of his attention. I sigh. Who am I kidding?  Cara nudges me and points at the hole from Sir Philip’s anito. “Focus,” she whispers. “I can use my gulok then,” Ethan says and unsheathe it from its scabbard. I look at the weapon. It is 50 centimeters long with a blade that utilizes a convex edge and an edgewise taper. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it. During the Selection, Ethan had already lost it. Then Ethan touches the ground, closes his eyes, and I know he is calling for his anito, Amanikable, who is the god of hunters. I notice the apparent clenching of his muscles and the aura that’s starting to envelop him as if the god himself is giving him his full blessing. “Now, come out, whatever you are and meet my attention seeker darling,” he adds, referring to the fact that a gulok needs frequent attention so that it will perform well. Cara snorts. “I bet you sleep with your inanimate darling too.” “I do,” he answers. Cara rolls her eyes and mutters, “Crazy. Let’s see who gets the monster this time.” I situate myself between the two when Cara starts to call upon Ikapati, and she is surrounded by the vines again. The vines create a sword-like shape to ensure that whatever comes out of the hole, she will be ready to impale it before Ethan can even do something. I think about how I can help in battle but can only think of one thing. Whatever comes, I’ll be ready to act as support for the two through my use of a potion. This is one of the reasons I chose to be a traveling mage, to use my skill to create potions that can help everyone, no matter their nationality.  Sir Philip smiles at the preparation of the two and taps the side of the hole. In a split second, a gust of air comes out and forces us to close our eyes. I cover my face and look at the cause of the strong wind, but it is too much. Instead, I listen to it and can make out the sound of flapping wings. I can feel it circling us, but then the sound makes me shiver. This is worse than the bungisngis. In horror, I shift my attention to Cara.  “Cara, cover the three of us in your vines!” I scream. Cara seems to understand, so I pull Ethan closer so that the vines can protect us.  “What’s that?” Cara asks.  “I’m not sure, but double or triple the vines around us.” “How will we be able to fight if we are going to get cocooned here?” Ethan complains. But before I can answer, sharp talons s***h at the vines and scratch Ethan’s shoulders, giving us a momentary view of what it is. “What the heck, is that a wakwak?” Cara breathes. “Yes, unfortunately,” I say.  I can understand Cara’s panic. She will not be able to hit a flying creature. Not even Ethan can do anything about it unless he can fly.  “Another mid level monster. What’s Sir Philip thinking?!” “Great thinking, sir,” Ethan says. “Now, I am getting excited.” I hit Ethan, pull at his shoulder, and look at his wound.  “Excited? You are in no position to get excited!” I scold.  I tear his shirt from shoulder down and call on my anito. Once I can feel its presence, I create a potion to remove the poison on his wound. After bandaging, I call on Anitun Tabu again and make a potion that will protect both Cara and Ethan from the wakwak's poison’s side effects. “Faster,” Cara says. “It destroyed the third level of my vines. Now it’s getting successful on tearing through our second line of defense.” “What do you know about this monster?” I think about it. We only studied more about the monsters when we were about to get our designation, so it’s expected that they don’t know about it.  “It hates salt.” “We don’t have salt!” Ethan says. “But you do!” I say, remembering that Ethan can also use ocean waves and turbulent storms. I shift my attention to Cara and say, “Once you open this cocoon, create a raft from your vines, let Ethan ride it. And you,” I say to Ethan, “drench your gulok on your ocean waves. Now!” Cara opens our protection and slashes at the wakwak. It evades the sword-like vines and creates a distance from us. It’s the only time I got a full view of it--large bat-like wings, ahead of a bird, black feathers, and a tail like that of a horse. Cara creates the raft and pushes Ethan to it with her vines. “Wait a minute,” Ethan complains. “Now, use your wave!” “I said, wait! I don’t use waves!” I pale at the realization. Ethan only learned how to use it after most of the Marahuyo mages received their designation, but he didn’t. That’s why he trained and gained the skill to use waves and tempest just in time for Benia’s second Scepter selection.  The wakwak notices our hesitation, and it attacks Ethan. In a split second, Cara protects him with the vines. The monster creates distance again and starts to circle us. The sound it’s making is preventing me from thinking of a new solution.  “What else can we do?” “I don’t know!” I crouch and grab my head, forcing myself to think, but the more I want it, the more I get more and more confused.  “Guess, I’ll have no choice. Let’s create a wave then!” Ethan says. “Protect us for the meantime, Cara.” “Ugh. As always, the brunt will always fall on me,” she complains but proceeds to protect us anyway. Ethan calls for a long time, five seconds, ten, twenty. Cara is getting tired, and I already give up. Instead, I create potions to protect us from the poison. One minute. Still nothing, but we persevere. Then at two minutes, Ethan stood up. He touches his gulok, and he drenches it with water, saltwater, I hope. “I’m ready,” he whispers as if all his concentration is on the saltwater. To be continued… 
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