Chapter 005

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The ride back to Marahuyo mage academy is uneventful. I am silent the whole ride, and Master Orson respects that. There’s no stopping to talk with the Marahuyo townspeople this time, which is a relief because I never liked it. Because, why befriend the people and know each of them on a personal level when he’s ruling them? Yes, he’s not the Ruler, but being the Scepter means equal power and influence with the other Quads. It’s just that they perform different tasks.  So, every time he asks them how they’re doing. Or if they have food on the table? Or whether their family is healthy? It never fails to put me in a bad mood. How could he really care like that when Marahuyo mages are seen as sluts in the community? And being called sluts only means that they don’t have the respect befitting of a Quad.  I especially hate it when he asks them if no monster breached the farms. But how could it be when he’s taking care of the monsters coming close to the border every week? It’s not even his job. It’s supposed to be the Sword and her warrior’s job. All the Scepter and the mages need to protect are the citizens and the farmlands if the warriors did a sloppy job. With the added tasks, I don’t even know when he accomplishes his responsibility as the current Scepter of Benia. I’m aware that he’s about to retire, but shouldn’t he be busier as the Scepter since there is a new Ruler? Even before my death, that’s something I cannot comprehend. After two hours of horseback, I can finally see the academy. It is a mansion donated by the wealthiest man who ever lived in Marahuyo. It was him who opened up trade in the town. The one who pushed the current Scepter to declare a special day for each anito that blesses the mages who apprentices on Marahuyo Academy.  My anito’s--Anitun Tabu--special day will be in October when farmers harvest some grains while still green to make pinipig. Often, the wives are the ones who do the subsequent steps. That is, to separate the chaff from the grain by using flat, winnowing baskets called bilao.  After that, it will be pounded until flat and can be used for different meals. On Anitun Tabu’s day, all the pinipig based meals can be found being sold at the fair that usually happens at the town center. My favorite is the fresh green pinipig, the one with not much of a flare.  Master Orson and I enter the academy, with instructors and students nodding their heads towards Master Orson in recognition. Master Orson, on the other hand, waves at them and continues to walk while I follow right behind while taking note of the surroundings and wondering if it’s similar to what it became after six years.  The mansion is almost a hundred-year-old building. Teachers decorated it with more vegetation than what is acceptable for a residential area. Trees and bushes are around the estate, which shades the benches close to it. Vines decorate the walls and are even present on the inside of the mansion. The stairs creak on every step, so running is prohibited for the safety of the inhabitants. Doors squeak and grind against either the ground or the ceiling based on its moisture accumulation, which made us used to unlocked doors. Libraries comprise most of the mansion with books that tackle commerce, agriculture, and protection since that’s the primary responsibility of either a mage or a Scepter. Master Orson’s private room, which had also become his workroom, is located on the third floor, right above one of the many libraries in the mansion. Like most doors, it is open, and stacks of books block its path, preventing it from being closed.  Once inside, I approach him and get as far away as possible from the open door. “What is this about?” Master Orson starts. “Is today a special day for you to fetch me from Pablo’s inn instead of burying yourself in the books?” “I--” I stop myself. How did I plan on telling what happened to me again?  “This might be pretty serious,” he says and runs his fingers on the desk. “There’s even dust on my desk, on a Sunday afternoon, so there really is a special occasion?” I look around the workroom. Like the scene by the door, scattered books are everywhere. Papers are stacked on the desk, with books that were very familiar to me as a kid. I remember that I always clean this place on Sunday morning so that once Master Orson is back, he’ll be met by a clean, organized room. “Is this about the Operation? Well, in that case, you don’t need it if you are going to be a traveling mage so don’t rush it. Besides, you seldom set foot outside of this mansion anyway.” “Master Orson, I--” I think I’m from the future, and the Quad’s balance is on the brink of destruction, I added. But the thought was so cliche that I’m sure Master Orson will just laugh at me.  Instead, I walk to one of the chairs and slump on it. I massage my head while searching for the right words to say it.  Can I really trust Master Orson? Of course! I think, but when I look at him, I remember Ethan’s unseeing eyes and Master Orson’s unexpected departure from Marahuyo when the murder happens.  “Holly?” he calls. “What’s wrong?” I look up once again and find Master Orson kneeling in front of me. My face warms, and I also kneel in front of him. A Scepter should never do this in front of a simple mage. Then I extend my arms and hug him.  This is the first time I’ve done this, and I am sure he is as perplexed as me about my actions. Yet, I stay there, listening to the sound of his heart. Master Orson had been like a father or a grandfather to me. He’s one of the people who extended their hands when my whole family died in a monster attack.  To be continued…
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