Chapter 7

1039 Words
Chloe Huston:- I am currently at the mixing party with the help of my friend who helped me enter it, and now I am anxiously waiting for Eric to arrive so that I can ask for his mercy. I was busy on my phone when I heard the voice of people calling Mr. Sterling. I turned around to find Eric entering the hall along with his bodyguards. "That's your chance, Chloe, if you don't want to get a ban than ask for his mercy." I murmured and started to walk towards him and was just about to reach him when one of his bodyguards stopped me. "Lady, you can't go over there." the bodyguard said in a stern voice. "I am sorry, but please, I really need to meet Mr. Sterling. It's really important." I said in a pleading tone. "Go back, lady, like I said you can't meet him here like that," he said and pushed me away. "How dare you to push a lady like that?" I snapped angrily and started to walk to that bodyguard when two more guards came in front of me and tried to push me away, but I stayed tough in front of them. While pushing and shoving away, I fell on the floor and screamed in pain when my knee hit the floor. Eric Sterling:-  I was busy talking with one of the investors when I heard the screaming voice of a woman. I turned my attention to the place where the voice came and saw a woman surrounded by my bodyguards. I took steps forward and stopped in my tracks when I recognize the woman on the floor. "Lift her up," I ordered my bodyguards, and when they looked at me, they nodded and started to lift her up. When she was back on her feet, I ask. "What happened?! Are you stalking me now?" I ask in an authoritative tone. "NO!" she replied, and I raised my brow, "Well...yeah kind of at the moment." "And why is that?" I ask. "Mr. Sterling, my name is Chloe Huston, and I want to apologize to you for my past behaviors with you and especially for yelling at you and offending you in public. Please, I am sorry and forgive me," she said with a worried expression. "Why all of a sudden, you are apologizing to me?" I ask. "Please, I know you are angry at me, and I am sure you hate me so much, but please, I beg you to remove the ban from me. My career will be over please show some mercy on me and remove the ban so that I can carry on with my career, because of the ban from Sterling International group all the investors are refusing to give me any role or any further performance," she begged, and I looked at her confused. "What ban are you referring to?" I ask confused because I don't know a single thing about that. "You don't know? Your company banned me," she replied, and it looked like she was about to cry. "I don't know what you are talking about. It may be a decision of the company's PR department." I said. "But you can remove the ban, right?" she asks with hope in her eyes. "I am sorry I can't do that without any information, but I will learn about it, and then I will see what I can do." I replied, "now, will you please excuse me. I need to go." I said and walked away from her, thinking about what she is talking about. Until today I didn't know about her name, so how can I ask for banning her. I was still lost in thought when a businessman reached to me, and we got engaged in a conversation. Chloe Huston:- By the time Eric walked away from me, I have got tears in my eyes, and I saw everyone looking at me with disgust and some with pity. I looked down on the floor while feeling embarrassed when one of the working staff reached me. "Miss, you are asked to leave the party this instant as you have got no invitation pass with you," he said, and I nodded my head. I headed towards the exit door and was about to exit when I heard a voice from behind. "Miss, would you please stop." a deep voice said I stopped in my tracks and turned around to find a hot music genius, Lucas Brown. "Hi, I am Lucas Brown," he said, extending his hand towards me for a shake. "Hi, I am Chloe Huston, and I am sure you know that by now, after the scene I caused inside at the party," I said while chuckling nervously and shake his hands. Lucas was a handsome man with dirty blonde hair, tan skin, and green eyes. "Don't worry; I am not here to embarrass you or something. And as for the scene back there, I am sure there must be a story behind it," he said with a polite smile. "Trust me there is, but let's just not talk about that. And as a matter of fact, I  have to go back home since I have got no invitation to the party." I said. "Huh? How did you enter then?" he asks with a confused expression. "With the help of my friend." I replied, "Uh...It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Brown, but I need to go." "Please call me Lucas, and how will you go back home? Have you got a ride?" he asks. "No, I will just take a cab," I replied. "Well, no need for the cab. I will drop you," he said, dragging me out of the party. "Mr.Bro...I mean, Lucas. There is no need for it. I will take the cab. I am sure you have to be there at the party." I reasoned. "Nah! I was getting bored already and was on the way back home. And as for the cab, it's a big NO because I am dropping you." he said. "Okay, fine and thank you," I said and headed to his black colored Mc. Laren with Lucas. "Nice car." I complimented. "Well, thank you," he replied with a polite smile. He opened the passenger door for me, and I get in while he sat down on the driver seat and started his engine. I hope this stranger is a good man I thought inside.
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