Chloe Huston:- I was just returning from the shooting when my phone rang and saw the caller ID. It was Bell calling. A smile formed on my face and received it then placed it on my ear. Thankfully, Eric bought me a new one once he recovered. "Hello, Bell. What's up?" I ask. "Hello, Chloe. Where are you?" she asks. "Returning back to home from shooting. Why do you ask?" I ask. "Well, it's Eric's birthday today. Don't you know?" she asks and I got shocked that today is Eric's birthday. "It's Eric's birthday today?" I ask. "Yes, you didn't know?" she asks. "No, I don't." I replied, "what should I do?" " Throw him a party?" she suggested. "Yes, I will think about it. Can you come home in about an hour?" I ask. "Sure, I will be there," she replied and ended the call. I stopped at the