#Chapter 31 Secrets Revealed

1830 Words

Viviane’s POV “Viviane, what is this?” Kiera asks, twisting around in bed to observe all the pearls scattered among the sheets. “I–” Fresh tears hover on my lashes. Now that my cover is blown, I can’t seem to hold back my feelings anymore. Pearls drip from my skin like luminous stalactites. “I wanted to tell you.” “Tell me what?” Kiera asks, her cheeks flushed with color, “That you’ve been lying to me from the day we met?” “I didn’t have a choice.” I hiccup, “my mother made me promise never to tell anyone.” “Parents always have stupid rules like that.” Kiera brushes the excuse aside. “You were supposed to be my friend.” She reminds me emphatically, “Friends don’t keep secrets!” “You don’t know what it was like.” I explain desperately, “When we first came here it seemed like every sh

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