#Chapter 29 Victory Ball Pt 2

1670 Words

Viviane’s POV Spending most of my childhood with a tail instead of legs, dancing always seemed like a skill beyond my reach. I’ve tried a few times and even explored different genres, but it’s always been an utter embarrassment. It turns out all I was missing is my mate. Caspian spins me around the ballroom so effortlessly I feel like I’m floating, though that might just be the effect of being near him. We’re alone on the dancefloor, and the attention from the surrounding pack is palpable, but it’s impossible to feel uneasy in my mate’s arms. Under any other circumstances I would have passed out from stage fright before taking a single step, instead I’m smiling up at the future Alpha without a care in the world. This is the exact problem I shared with Kiera. Everything is easy when we

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