#Chapter 20 Swimming With Caspian

1743 Words

Viviane’s POV “I have a surprise for you.” Caspian hasn’t let me out of his sight since Mordred attacked me at the stadium. If he can’t be with me himself, he assigns enforcers to guard me. He won’t admit it, but I’ve caught one too many suspiciously mature looking teenager wearing an earpiece roaming the halls of my school. I know in my heart Caspian would never endanger me, but “surprise” has always sounded like another word for “trap” to me. “What kind of surprise?” I hedge warily. Caspian huffs out a laugh, reading my mind. “A good one.” He pledges, planting a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. Still I hesitate. “I don’t know Caspian, surprises are… couldn’t you just tell me what it is? I’ll appreciate it just as much, I swear.” “You have to start trusting me sometime, Viviane.”

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