#Chapter 9 My Mermaid Identity Is Revealed

1881 Words

Viviane’s POV My footsteps echo through the empty halls as I depart the library, my shoes emitting a slow, steady click as my weary feet carry me from another long study session. While other teenagers spend their weekends relaxing and going on dates, I spend mine holed up in the stacks, trying to make up for all the years I went without an education. Kiera and the teachers have no idea how much my good grades cost me. Despite what my best friend thinks, academics do not come easily to me, but I’m determined to have a future beyond tears and hard labor. I’m almost to the front door when I hear it: cheerful chatter and high girlish giggles. Courtney, Madison, and Nerissa round the corner ahead, their faces bearing none of the happiness their voices suggest . They walk straight for me,

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