#Chapter 7 Party: Underground Fighting

1912 Words

Viviane’s POV “I’m sorry!” I immediately squeak. “I didn’t mean… You… I–” Caspian closes the remaining distance between us, coming so close I have to tilt my head all the way back to see his face. I try to back away, but he catches my nape in one powerful hand. “You what, Viviane?” His fingers send bolts of electricity all the way down my spine. “You startled me.” I admit weakly. “You didn’t seem very startled.” He growls, squeezing the back of my neck. “It looked like you knew exactly what you were doing.” I’m shutting down, preparing for the physical retribution I’m sure is coming. “I swear I didn’t mean to.” Caspian studies me for a long moment, watching as I twist myself into knots waiting for his attack. I flinch when he releases me, stumbling to regain my balance. “Prove it.

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