Chapter 10: Sleeping With Bosses

1865 Words
Alexia His lips are so soft, but firm as he gently kissed me. He nips my bottom lip and I open it for him. Our tongues dance together while he presses me close to him, and deepens the kiss. My hands move to his hair. I have been wanting to feel if his hair is as soft as it looks, and it truly is. I pull a bit on the hair at the back of his head, and he groans in my mouth, allowing me to take control of the kiss. He quickly takes control back; by sucking hard on my tongue, and I feel the sensation straight in my core. f**k, he turns me on this much with just a kiss. We are both breathless when we part, and I know my panties are soaked. He sniffs the air and smirks. How odd. I look down, and see the very hard erection he is sporting, and give him my own smirk. I feel a bit smug knowing I have the same effect on him that he has on me. He adjusts his pants, not looking away from me. “That will do for now, you need your rest.” He says with a smirk. I giggle and settle back down. “Try and get some sleep, I need to get things settled for when you are discharged. Your car is wrecked, and all your belongings have already been taken to my place. Your phone screen is shattered, but I bought you a new one. I need to go to work for a bit, and then I also need to see Chief Bill about a few things. I will be back this evening to check on you.” He said. “A bit presumptuous of you, to have moved my things already.” I say with one eyebrow raised and he chuckles. “I knew I would win you over. I know what I want, and I don’t stop until I get it. Now, be a good girl, and get some rest. I will see you this evening, then we can have dinner together.” He says and kisses me softly on my lips. He gets up and leaves. I close my eyes replaying that kiss. I am so screwed. I wake up to two bright green eyes watching me. “Hi” I say shyly. “Hey baby, did you have a good rest?” he asks with a smile. “I don’t even know when I fell asleep. What time is it? Have you been here long?” I asked. “It’s just after six, and no, I came a few minutes ago. I ordered some dinner for us, and it will be here around seven. Dr Grant didn’t want to wake you, so she asked me to let her know when you’re awake. I will go get her.” He says and kisses my forehead, before he leaves the room. A few minutes later, he came back with Dr Grant. “Alexia, you look well rested and much better. You’re getting some color back in those cheeks. I just want to do a tiny checkup and administer your shots, and then I will be out of your hair. Carter has convinced me to release you a bit earlier, and promised to be your personal nurse. Though he forgets he needs one himself.” She said with a chuckle. Carter laughs “I will give you a few minutes,” he says and leaves. Dr Grant checks my stitches, and gives me the last two shots she spoke of. “I will discharge you in the morning. I need to keep you here another night, just to be safe. Are you okay staying with Carter?” she asks. “Not really, but that man does know how to get his way.” I say. She chuckles “He does, he’s very tenacious. Don’t let him boss you around. If you don’t feel comfortable, you can stay here for a bit longer.” She says with a gentle smile. “It’s okay, he is a great guy. I just don’t want to be a burden to him. I don’t want him to feel compelled to help me, because I helped him. I didn’t expect anything in return when I helped him.” I said, looking down. “I can see he really cares about you, and you him. Just take things at your pace. Remember what I said, you can always talk to me about anything. The closer you get to Carter, the more questions he will have as well. If you don’t want to share with me, I hope you will speak to him. You will find that he is a very open-minded, understanding man. I can’t guarantee that he won’t want to find the person that’s responsible for your pain. Anyone would do the same. I feel the need to go after them as well. I can only imagine what you have been through, my dear, but just know that Carter would never hurt you. I have known that man all his life, and you will not find anyone more kind-hearted than him.” She says while finishing her notes in my chart. “Thank you for everything, Dr Grant. I don’t deserve your kindness, but I am grateful.” I said with teary eyes. “My dear, you deserve whatever happiness comes your way. Don’t let anyone, or anything make you feel that you don’t. I will see you in the morning.” She says and leaves the room. I wipe my tears that are now flowing. Maybe she is right, maybe I also deserve a bit of happiness. Carter walks in while I’m wiping my tears. “What’s wrong baby?” he asks in concern. “I was just feeling a bit emotional. Everyone I have met here so far has been so good to me. Well, everyone except that blonde bimbo of yours,” I said, and he chuckled. “She is not my anything. Let’s never mention her again. Come here.” He says while lying on the bed, and pulling me into his arms. I gladly comply and realize that his embrace is exactly what I need right now. “Dinner is on its way. Let’s eat, and then we can get some rest. I’m staying right here with you tonight. I want you tucked safely in my arms.” He says while kissing the top of my head. I looked up at him before I spoke. “Okay, no use in arguing with you. You don’t seem to like to lose, and I’m too tired to argue. I must admit, I did have a peaceful sleep when I slept in your arms,” I said. “See you learn quickly. Life would be so much easier if you just agreed with everything I say,” he says with a chuckle. I lightly slapped his chest. “I’m a free agent, Mr. Quinn, don’t be so bossy.” I said. “Well, you are not so free anymore, Miss Kane, and I am not bossy, I’m just persuasive,” he said and laughed. Dinner arrives and we eat and chat. I ask him about the robbery, and he tells me everything he knows. “So, you own the Gas Station?” I inquire. “Yes, I do along with a few other establishments in town.” he says. “Okay, so you are a businessman then? What else do you own?” I asked, genuinely wanting to know more about him. “I also own the restaurant this food is from and the convenience store. I built this hospital, but only own 50% of it. I gave the other 50% away. I’m more of a silent director. I just wanted the town to have access to quality medical care. I also have a few businesses in Rapid Falls.” He says, looking a bit guilty. “Really? Wow, so what business do you own there?” I asked “I own a brewery and the only bar in town. I also own the supermarket, and the newspaper you will be working at,” he says with a serious expression. What? He’s going to be my boss. I will be sleeping with my boss? What a f*****g impression that would make. Not that I have slept with him, I remind myself, just next to him. “So, you will be my boss?” I asked. “I’m the owner, yes, but I don’t run it. I hardly have anything to do with it, actually. The previous owner needed funds, and I helped him. He runs it, and I pay the bills,” he says. Okay, so not that bad. At least I will be there on my own merit. “Lucky for me I got the job before I met you, so that should keep people from gossiping too much.” I said with a chuckle. “I don’t care much about what people think and say about me anyway, and neither should you. They don’t live your life, you do.” He says and I nod to agree. “The food is really great. Definitely 5 stars, I love the flavors.” I said and he smiled. “I am glad you like it; the chef is a very close friend of mine. He will be happy to hear such praise,” he says. “Maybe when I am better, I can meet him myself, and taste some more of his dishes. I think I am hooked.” I say, and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “You wound me; you haven’t even tasted my cooking yet. How do you know you won’t be hooked on my cooking? Or me?” he says with a smirk. That’s what I am worried about. I think I may already be well on my way to getting hooked on you. Of course, I don’t say that out loud. “Well, you haven’t cooked for me just yet, so for now, your friend is my favorite chef.” I say and he chuckles. “Point taken; I will cook for you as soon as we head home.” Home… one word that has so much meaning. I haven’t known the true meaning of home for a while. “Sounds perfect,” I said as I tried to stifle my yawn. He chuckles and clears the bed, and packs everything away. “Let’s get some rest, you can’t even keep your eyes open.” He says and I just nod. I am so tired; I don’t know if it’s the meds or the safety I feel. He lays down, and I snuggle into him, and it feels so natural. “Sleep my beautiful Lexi, you are safe.” He whispers and kisses the top of my head. I stiffened at his words. Why would he say that? Does he know something? Has the doc said something to him? Did he see my scars? f**k… calm down. “Good night, Carter,” is all I say and close my eyes.
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