1973 Words

“SUZY’S POV” “Yeah, I can weave words, but right now i lack the right words to say what i wanna say to you, Suzy. I really did not hear what she said last cause my mind is too full of lot of things i wanna say to her right now. Is it selfish to say that i feel jealous that she is glowing and i’m just like this, worthless pathetic and full of guilt. Everything still feels like yesterday when that wench Victoria showed me the s*x video i felt so stupid because i was defending her and i didn't know it was true.To be honest that is not excuse for shutting her off like that, i mean i could have approached her all these years and all, we have all grown in our own ways, but its good because she is doing well for herself and i know i don’t have the right but i am so f*****g proud of her. She ov

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