1620 Words

DAISY “We're here!” The taxi driver announced as he pulled up to a corner. ”Thank you, Mister. C'mon, Daisy,“ Suzy said, and we alighted the taxi. She took care of paying the taxi fare, while I was lost in staring around. Of all the places she's taken me to since my stay here, this has to be my favourite. And yeah, Suzy had given me a good tour around the town. We've been to the mall, local pubs, the festivals, and the museum. You name them. But damn, this place was beautiful, and breathtaking, to say the least. But no matter how excited I was, it didn't come close to Suzy's ecstatic state. She was literally jumping on her toes, squealing in delight. “I can't believe it. I'm standing outside the famous Lawrence library. A dream come true, Dear Goddess!“ She rambled in delight, making

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