1614 Words

LOGAN. I checked for the female that had a striking resemblance with Daisy. But she already vanished. Probably went through the door. I thought of going after her, but the endless shrieking behind me had me glued to a spot. It was hard to ignore it. Her shrieks brought so many gazes my way, and they were all judging me with their eyes. I felt pressured. Had to diffuse the situation by playing the gentleman and proving I hadn't intentionally gotten her dress ruined. With a sigh, I walked up to her. Her silver dress was tainted by the yellowish shade of the wine that had spilled on her. The waitress was hovering around her in fright, trying to appease her. But the girl wouldn't have it. She was hellbent on pulling down the roof with her shrieks. I fixed my apologetic smile and bent over

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