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I just started crying “He did not acknowledge the fact that we are mates, Daisy what should I do” She sat down beside me and hugged me “Does he not want me, am I too ugly for him?” “No my darling, do not say that, you are absolutely beautiful, and maybe something happened, if he does not want you, that is his loss, do not be worried about him, he is just a little b***h, you hear me?” Daisy said I nodded my head, even though I was still heartbroken “Should I not say anything, like ask him why he is ignoring the fact that we are mates” “No leave him alone, he is a dickhead, so do not bother yourself about him,”. Daisy said “Okay”. I said I snuggled up to her on the couch, and slept off. Some hours later, I woke up to clanging of pots together, and I noticed that Daisy was not here

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