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VALERIE. “My dear, you are destined for great things, you just have to start seeing things in a different light, and I will be here to help you do that”. The old beautiful woman said. “Who are you and why are you telling me all these things” “I am you, Valerie, we are one, I am in you, you just have to start looking deeper into yourself and you will find me,” I looked at her confused, for a reason too, she looked familiar to me, but I just could not point out where I knew her from, “Do not be confused dear, I look familiar, because I am you, look beyond the surface, Valerie, do not make any mistake of loosing your guard, trust carefully, a war is coming upon us soon”. She said “War, what do you mean?” “Yes dear, war and you have been chosen by the gods, and the the moon goddess,

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