581 Words

SUZY. If anybody asked me that, will my life turn out like this, for like the past four years, i’ll definitely say no, because I swear to the goddess, I was not expecting the drastic change in my life, for like the past two days. I am still so in shock, but then, I know I have to make good use if this second chance and not f**k it up. When I spoke on the phone with the alpha two days ago, he told me not to hurt Daisy again, and that I should be a good friend to her, which I am planning to do. Today is the day the alpha’s son from Redmoon pack will get here, Ahmstrong, at least we will be protected in the school, his registration process has also been sorted out, so we both resume next week. Right now I went to get groceries, because we are almost out of groceries in the house. Daisy we

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