2175 Words

LOGAN LOST BUT DON'T WANNA BE FOUND…. That was exactly how I felt right now being in her arms, or rather, having her wrapped in my arms. It was the most surreal s**t, and I wasn't gonna let go, despite how much she fought to break free from my hold. I could hear her cuss and fight, even kick my feet, but I was so lost in the scent that my body was numbed to whatever pain she was inflicting on me. The deeper I inhaled the scent, the more it pulls me in. I held her tighter, needing to feel each warmth that seeps from this scent. You can't blame me much, back when I had this scent and its real owner close, I never appreciated it. Took it for granted 'cause I thought it was gonna stick around forever. But now that I've been starved of it for years, I wanna get a fill of it now. That's why

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