2250 Words

VALERIE. “You guys are dismissed, and do no forget that your presentation is few weeks away” Miss Brook said. The students stood up and left the class, I was still sitting down, I do no know the reason why I am being nervous to approach Logan, it has been a long week, and we have been in a good friendship relationship. It has been weird though, sometimes Logan will just pull me close and inhale my hair or he will just hug me for a long time. Anytime I ask him why he does that, he will always say he likes the way I smell. I have been thinking a lot about Jake recently, yes we have had s*x a few times this week and I still cannot get over the thrill I get anytime we have s*x, I mean mind blowing s*x, and he is a f*****g submissive for me. Not that I have a kink with bonds and pain l

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