1371 Words

She was not looking at me again, and she was picking her nails, she does this anytime she gets nervous. “I do not know how it makes me feel, all I do know is that I do not want him to stop anytime soon, it is not like he does anything special, he just has this charm, and I like that he is obsessed with me, it is f****d up right?” “No, definitely not f****d up”. I said reassuring her, she had this downcast look on her face. “Tell me about him” I asked, and immediately I did, her face lit up, damn, she has it bad, I thought. “So, he is this cute guy, he has a lot of tattoos too, and he is so quiet, does not talk until it is needed, just the way I like em’,” she sounds so happy talking about him “He is also f*****g shy and it makes him more cute, I like the fact that he cannot control hi

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