1809 Words

LOGAN ”As y'all know, this is your last year of being a student here. There's been a new rule by the school administration. All undeclared majors are to be segregated and kept in here until they make the ultimate decision on what they want in life. No more gen-ed classes for the lots of you. If you look around, you'll notice a few of you already chose a major. That's the only way you can leave this crampy hall, choose a major. Or rot in here for the rest of the year. You don't get to leave this hall when you arrive, you only leave when the day is over, then you return the next day and spend it here till the year ends,” She finalized, making her loath for us real evident in her tone. Endless murmurings disrupted the quietness in the hall. Charles glanced my way and so did Jake and Drake.

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