The Marriage

1281 Words
Riley’s POV: I stood in front of the small church like building in our pack, we had always used this building for ceremonies, our pack had a lot of humans in, that were mated to wolves, so we had taken on some of their customs and even to a certain extent beliefs. Except me I didn’t fit in to either category, I wasn’t a wolf and I wasn’t a human, I was just nothing.   I gave myself another once over in the mirror. I looked myself up and down and felt disappointed. I stared at the mirror and then shrugged my shoulders, I dropped my head and then left my little safe haven.  Wolves and humans were staring at me as I walked the path towards the little church like building.  I stopped in front of the door, which was currently closed.  I stood there trying to gather my courage.  I was nervous and honestly a little afraid. I could hear people chatting on the inside, the church sounded packed. I watched Alpha Cullum approach me, and I automatically shivered. He had a smug smile plastered on his face. “Ah your finally here” he looked me up and down and I saw him lick his lips. Another shiver ran through me.  “You look very luscious in that dress Riley, good enough to eat” He pushed me against the outside wall and put his hands on my breast, he then started kissing my neck and moved to my marking spot. I tried to push him of, but he was too strong, so I did what I usually did, I went completely still, no reaction, I knew he hated that. I tried to never be in the same room as him or even close to him, for some reason he always did this, thankfully he never went too far or too far yet. He hit the wall next to me “You will soon learn that there are wolves worse than me, like the f*****g animal you are about to marry”, he stepped away from me and righted himself on the steps leading up to the church entrance. I went cold, I felt the cold terror move up my spine and settle at the back of my neck. ‘Courage Riley, nothing can be worse than this asshole’ I tried to encourage myself, but I was still very scared of the unknown. The doors opened and Cullum hooked his arm in mine, he had a strange smile on his face “Now you’ll see”  I dropped my head and just started walking forward on very shaky legs, when I finally looked up, I discovered a chained wolf, he looked severally drugged as four men had to hold him up. He looked to be more than 6foot7, because even though he was hunched over, he still towered over all the wolves present, his hair was up to his shoulders and looked to be a combination of dirty blond and brown, he was very muscular, more so than any other man present. My eyes then fell to the front of his chest, and I could see some chest hair poking out, my eyes shot back up to his face. He had very strong features, with stubble of about 2 weeks, a small scar ran down his jaw and stopped before his chin. I tried to determine the colour of his eyes, they looked to be between silver and blue, they will probably change colour when he sobers up, but I couldn’t help staring at him.  There was just something about him, which held my attention. I looked at him and a strange feeling washed over me, I wasn’t afraid of him, but worse than that, I was extremely attracted to him, so much so that I felt lust for the first time in my life. I watched as Cullum swung his head to mine, his eyes were filled with disgust “Control yourself, I can smell you a mile away” I immediately knew what he was referring to, but I couldn’t help it. We came to a standstill at the end of the isle, even though we were in a church the ceremony was being conducted by one of the packs elders, the minister present would only sign the necessary documents to make this wedding legal in the eyes of the human governments. The human minister stepped forward “Who gives this woman?” Cullum moved my hand and put in on the arm of the drugged man “I do, and please make this short” The minister stepped back, and the packs Elder moved before us. “You have been placed together by the mother, she has brought you together to become one, you will now be of one pack and one soul” He stepped back again, and the minister took over “I will skip with the normal formalities. Do you Riley Gillespie take this man” the minister looked down on his paper and then looked at Alpha Cullum. “That’s his name, get it f*****g done” he looked really agitated and loosened his tie a little. The minister cleared his throat “Take this man Wolf McClure, to be your lawfully wedded husband” A silence fell over the pack members present as soon as they said his name, everyone was shocked. After the initial shock, they all stared at me my sister moved forward “For f**k’s sake Riley, answer” I looked down, then up at the man standing before me, I feel of resolve washed over me “I do” “Do you Wolf McClure, take this women Riley Gillespie as your lawfully wedded wife” They hit him over the head with a club and he made a slight sound. “I take that as a, I do” Everyone in the church started laughing, but I just looked at the man before me, I felt very sorry for him. “I now pronounce you man and wife, you my kiss the bride” Everyone stood staring at me, so I gathered all my courage and leaned over to kiss the man on the mouth, as soon as I did his eyes opened and he stared at me. I wasn’t sure what to make of the emotions I saw swimming in them, so I just looked down. They moved him to a table and asked me to follow, “If you both could just sign here” I watched as the man looked at me, looking more sober than before, he picked up the pen and signed. The minister then beckoned me over to do the same. As soon as we were finished, they carried him to the pack house. They then proceeded to take him to my room and unceremoniously dropped him on my bed. One of the warriors stared at me, with a flirtatious smile “Do you need any help with the consummation” “Just leave” The four of them laughed as they walked out of the door, I heard them joking as they walked out the door “You know what they say about big guys Riley, big guys small d***s, just call us if we can help” I slammed the door shut as soon as they left, I made sure to lock it, I didn’t need any other unwelcome intrusions. I slowly slid down the door, my back leaning against it. When I hit the floor, I pulled my legs forward and leaned my arms on them. I then felt the first tear roll down my cheek. 
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