
1146 Words
Wolf’s POV: Star felt like nothing as I carried her through the boat, she was as light as a feather. I tried to shorten the chains by rolling it up onto my arms, but there were still some chain and pieces of the boat that I could not hide. I opened the hatch in front of me and I was immediately assaulted with the stench of sea water and wolves. As I stepped onto the deck, I noticed we were currently in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight. There were a lot of men currently working on the deck. As soon as they noticed me, they came running. I adjusted Star and started fighting. I kicked the first wolf that crossed me and extended my fingernails. The next one I sliced across his face, taking out an eye. Four of them approached me carefully and I could see three more behind them. “Dax take Star, make sure she is safe”. I handed a still unconscious Star to Dax. The first two approached me with a lot of bravado but I quickly cut them down, I watched as the blood flowed from them, the only reason they would survive was because they were wolves, I didn’t want to kill them, because I hated killing fellow wolves but I wanted them injured badly because first off they deserved it and secondly I wanted to send a message to the fucker they were working for.  The next two were a lot more careful when they approached me, I smiled as they slowly stalked to opposite sides of me. They both came at me at the same time, I slashed the one across the chest and then turned around and picked the next one up by the neck,  he thrashed around in the air trying to escape my hold, but I held fast, taking the time to wink and smile at him, the three that was left saw this as their opportunity to attack me, I threw the one I was holding overboard.  “I hope you can swim, my friend” I watched his shocked face as he flew overboard. I turned smilingly to the other three. “This is fun” I saw Dax shake his head and heard him muttering “What the f**k was I thinking? I should have stayed home” I quickly disposed of the other three, I threw another two overboard and stuck my extended nails into the one that was left, stomach, he would survive but I wanted him in pain. I looked for any other threats, but I couldn’t see any, I then walked to Dax to take Star from him “I got her, don’t worry” he was still shaking his head. “Why are you shaking your head?” “Because I could be in Wyoming getting to know my brother, but I’m here with you in the middle of the f*****g ocean” I laughed at him “Isn’t it fun” “Honestly Wolf, no it’s not, we don’t even know where we are” I slapped him on the shoulder, and he fell forward. “Aah look, I think I see land” Dax scoffed next to me “I suppose you know how to steer a boat” I laughed loudly “Oh s**t, I didn’t think of that” “Great” I walked over to check the guys lying on the deck, one was breathing shallowly but he was awake. I picked him up by his shirt. “Tell me you know how to drive this thing” the guy nodded his head. “Good” Dax scoffed again and spoke under his breath “I’m pretty sure the f*****g word is steer” “Whatever the word, this guy says he can do it”  I looked at the guy I was holding, he looked terrified “Where is the steering wheel” He pointed to cabin at the top of the boat, and I helped him get there fast, by throwing his ass up the stairs “Need anything else guy” He paled before me and shook his head. “Good, now get us to shore”  Dax climbed up and ripped out the radio, he looked at the guy and growled softly “If there are any surprises at the dock, you f*****g die first”  I then heard the softest sound coming from Star. The sound was followed by n soft winch of pain I sat down with her, cradling her head “Hey littling, you finally awake” She scrunched her eyes and then slowly opened them “What is all that noise” “It’s the sea, little one” She sat up straight and then grabbed her head and fell again, still holding her head “What are we doing on the ocean” I laughed loudly “I don’t know” I pointed to the guy d steering the ship “but this guy driving the ship, he is going to tell us as soon as we land” I heard Dax mumble on the side “For f**k’s sake, it’s steer and dock” I winked at Star, and she gave me one of her all-knowing smiles, she knew I was only trying to anoy Dax. The guy steering looked at me “We’ll be docking in 5 minutes sir” he cleared his throat “What then?” I gave him a wolfish grin “Then dear fellow, you will be introducing me to your pack and Alpha” He turned an ugly shade of green and started to throw up “I can’t he will kill us for failing” “Really, what was your mission” The guy looked at me “We were to bring you to him” I gave the guy a puzzled look “That is what you are doing. Good for you, mission success” He gave me an unsure glare “I don’t think this is what he wanted.” “Why don’t you leave the thinking to me, and I say you succeeded” He slowly docked the boat “Mind telling us first where the f**k we are?”  The guy looked around unsure whether to tell us “We’re just of the coast of Scotland, on a small well hidden Island called Cavendish Island ” I smiled at him “Good, Scotland at last”, I walked to the small deck and just breathed in the air. That’s when I felt a sting in my neck, my hand went to my neck and I pulled out a dart, I then felt the exact same thing in my leg and arm. The last thing I remember was falling to the deck, face forward.  
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