
1075 Words

Riley’s POV: I was busy in the kitchen when I felt a wave of distress hit me, It ran over me and settled it the pit of my stomach, I immediately knew something was wrong with Wolf. I could feel him inside me. I ran back to the room, I threw open the door and it flew off it’s hinges. After the shock wore off, I stared at three very confused and shocked faces.  “What the f**k Red?” I was even more surprised and shocked, I just stood there staring at him. Dax was the first to speak “I thought you said she doesn’t have a wolf” Wolf gave me a questioning look “Red?” I walked over to Wolf and he took my hand, I could immediately feel some of my strength transferring to him.  I looked at him and knew he felt it to “Can you feel that?” “Yeah, my strength his returning” Star walked in look

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