
1487 Words

Wolf’s POV: I tried to swallow the lump that formed in my throat. She removed her t-shirt and I watched her. Her breast spilled out and they were gloriously full, my mouth went dry and for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to focus on a freckle between her breast, my hand reached out on its own accord, and I touched the freckle. When my rough hands touch her flawlessly milky soft skin, she moaned loudly. At first, I thought I hurt her, but her eyes were closed. My hands moved to the swell of her breast and my eyes followed. I stopped at one of her n*****s and grazed my thumb over it. She moaned louder this time and opened her eyes, she stared right into my eyes, the looked in them, scorched in my brain forever. She licked her lips and arched her back, pushing her breast mor

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