The meeting of old

1504 Words

Riley’s POV: I struggled to keep up with Wolf’s pace, but he had to slow down every now and then to find out which way to go. I watched the pack stare at us and then start to whisper, I couldn’t hear what they were saying, and Wolf seemed unconcerned, even though I knew he could probably hear them. I watched my feet trying to keep up with his enormous strides. When I suddenly connected with him. It was like walking into an oncoming bus. I gave him a quizzical look through my lashes “Why did you stop” I saw the veins on his neck stand out, something had pissed him off. He pushed me behind him and stalked over to four warriors, they were still snickering, joking. “You want to repeat that?” The one warrior Brandon stood up and walked with false bravado towards Wolf. “Yes, I said looks

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