The bond

1257 Words

Wolf’s POV: I stared at the pack in front of me, the moon was out, and it was 12am. I stood on a huge rock in the middle of a wooded area. “My blood will become your blood bonding our minds together, we will be one pack, our mission clear making the Wolf strong again”, and killing all the blood sucking scum, but I didn’t add that, well not aloud. I took the chalice one of the Omega’s placed in front of me and sliced my hand open, dripping the blood into the cup. There was only about 50 members in this pack and that include the women and children. I then handed the chalice and knife to my new Beta James, and he did the same, after that each member of the pack added their blood. They brought the cup back to me and I handed the blood to one of the pack elders. He took the chalice filled w

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